
Name: Louis "Do YOU Know Where Your 5 Year Old Is" V.

Gender: Most of the time

Favorite word for "under-garment": crotch-crimpers

If you could be a pig, a lobster, or an anteater like Arthur, which would you be, and why: definitely a tarantula, they're spooky

Favorite quote: "Louis, you've got it all. You've got a wonderful mind, a sense of humor that doesn't quit, and you've got that face that makes me want to dance in a room filled with red wine and jewelry. You make me wanna do myself like a monkey in the heat. I'm only a star...please be the big dipper."---Most females (un-related to me)

When do you look your best: When I'm lookin' at you, my kitten of tittillation! (That's for allll the ladies out there)

Don't you love pink: Only when paired with duckies.

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