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Series I

Welcome! From here you'll be able to choose from all episodes currently available. And for those of you sitting there going "well I've been getting them in e-mail form all along, so why would i read them again if they're just the same?" - haha you're wrong. I am re-editing each episode before it appears on the site. So it'll be fresh and ready for more!

Episode I
The first ever episode of D'Spring (Warning: this episode may contain some adult language). Although many of the regular readers will assume they've read this episode, it has had some re-editing just for this site.

Episode II
The Second installment of D'Spring, written at the same time as the original episode and thus at even more obscure hours of the morning. It has also been subject to some re-editing just for the website. How generous am I?

Episode III
The third installment of D'Spring, again written at the same time as the original two...I was on fire that night. This episode has had no re-editing as it's one of my favourites - so how could i mess with it? I mean it's the introduction of Jimmy - 'nuff said.

Episode IV
Haha the fourth installment of D'Spring and no, this one WASN'T written at the same time as the other three, which makes it a completely different kettle of fish. As of yet this episode has not been edited but i might amuse myself and edit it later.

Episode V
Onto the fifth. "Already?!" I hear you cry - why yes indeed. This episode also hasn't been edited yet, as I'm trying to concentrate on getting them up first and then editing later.

Episode VI
And onto the next one. I bet you're having the time of your life by this point and just think - you've still got loads more to come.

Episode VII
This is quite possibly my least favourite episode, so please don't be deterred by it. I promise it does get better again after this episode. It's just i was up really late....etc....etc. [/usual feeble excuses]

Episode VIII
See here's the proof that it does get better again. Not much better admittedly, but it keeps on going because the next two are two of my favourites, hehe.

Episode IX Part A
The ninth episode which was so astoundingly long (at least, compared to any of the others), that it had to be split into two parts. This episode also sees the debut of a few new characters in the can you afford to miss out?

Episode IX Part B
Nowhere near as long as the first part, because they were split rather unevenly, but it doesn't matter. More is revealed about the new characters as the adventure gets back on track.

Episode X
The tenth'd never have guessed it would you? We're back to the usual shorter episodes after the comparatively epic Episode IX, for that nicer, more bitesize entertainment.

Episode XI
Not much plot development, but humour abound - this episode is kind of like a big comedy sketch. No, that doesn't mean slapstick. Well, maybe a little... .

Episode XII
It's as if all they do is argue and moan at each other. Kind of depressing in a way...but in another, more important way, so very entertaining.

Episode XIII
Our heroes finally reach the dreaded Fire Mountain. What perils await them there?

Episode XIV
Things start to get a little more serious...not much admittedly, but we're talking in comparative terms here.

Episode XV
Three-quarters of the way through the isn't that just dandy?

Episode XVI
Characters returning, characters wandering off...characters being mentioned for the first time since Episode yeah, pretty an eventful episode then.

Episode XVII
Some rather unpleasant revelations as they near their final destination.

Episode XVIII
Dave appears for quite literally the first time ever, and we're also greeted with more evil minions than you can shake a stick at. In other words: seven...if you don't include Dave. Have you ever tried shaking a stick at seven evil minions? See, I didn't think so.

Episode XIX
The penultimate episode of the series - featuring action, betrayal, and death! ...That sounds a hell of a lot more impressive that it really is.

Episode XX
The climax of Series 1, including Credits.

Episode XX: The Director's Cut
The original, unedited version of Episode 20 straight from the laptop of Stuart - original formatting and spelling errors included.

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