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Shelby's Photo Page

So here is my "portfolio" if you will. Well its not as much a portfolio as a place for me to store some pictures that I can be somewhat proud of. I am in 2nd year of photography and I am trying to look into making this a profession for me. I might end up a failure but it would be worth a shot right? Yea so anyway the best way to view my page (or any page for that matter [and if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer]) is hit F11. It will increase your view of the page and ...yea..Its just a thought. So feel free to comment on any pictures that you like, I am up for criticism and critique. None of these pictures have been digitally altered and have been taken with a fully manual camera. Please don't steal my pictures, if you would like to use them in any sort of way be my guest, BUT ask me first. Yep. I think that would be about it. -Shelby.

Willamette River at Sunset
The Alpaca Farm!
Flea Bath
Photo Safari
