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Monster Island, a Great Vacation!

UPDATED:7-26-04. We got your e-mail Uncle Jerry. We'll be updating our site in the next few days. Please keep checking back for updates!
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Play Ball!

This summer, Tristen concluded her first season of Baseball with the Waimanalo Indians. Tristen (#5) was a great utility player, playing every position at least once. The team had a fantasic season and Tristen is looking forward to the start of Soccer season.

Imua, Kapena!

This July, Kapena came to O`ahu to attend The Kamehameha Schools Explorations Program. Here's Kapena just before the start of his program. It was fun having Kapena here with us.

Tristen & Friends

There's Tristen with Auntie Turtle. Hey, that's Tristen, Emily & Hannah at Sea Life Park. Slow down Tristen! Don't go to fast on your quad. There she is in her pink dress on May Day. Is that Tristen or Santa's little helper? Hi Tristen, crusin' with your friends at the University of Hawaii Baseball game?

Holly's Movie reviews:

"I, Robot": Good
"Spiderman 2": Great
"The Day After Tomorrow": Good Special effects
"Mean Girls": Okay
"Hell Boy": Good