Ah, another Chiaki and Maron layout! I can't stop pumping out layouts featuring this couple! They're just so sweet, ne? Here they are in their kaitou alteregos!

This layouts uses green, green and more green, accented with black and white. There is lots of room for content here! Large chunks of text be can easily separated with divider images like this:

The code to call up the divider CSS would look like this: <div class="divide"></div>

All of the links in the side bar are automatically styled with little bullets in front of them via CSS. The headers (for example, "About Me", "Stuff For You") are also done by CSS. They are created by using <h2>Text</h2> header tags.

Do you want to use this design? If you keep the button link on your sidebar, then you are surely allowed to! Download now!

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