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Plottingcow Productions

This site is dedicated to our new online company called Plotting Cow. We are a small company that started our senior year in high school, basicly all we do is make short films, about silly things.


January 20th, 2oo5

There has been a car wreak and has actually given Adam time to start work on Stop-motion charactors. A camera break and lack of funds has also slowed the filming down a lot. But hopes for new equiptment and computers will get the team back up and running.

January 24th, 2005

Work is being started on a section called Crappy Cartooning which will be a page on here that will have a comic strip that I am working on now.

Some of our work involves

When Plotting cow was young
When We Where in High School
Current Times
A Little About Adam
A Little About Erik
Crappy Cartooning
