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My sister b4 her Debs (prom)

My mum , sister and gran

My mum ,sister ,me ,my dad and my gran

Me ,Co (Colette) and Ro (Roisin)

Me my friend Bex , My sis , my sister's friend's Suzi n sum girl ? at Bex's her sis was goin 2!

Me lukin weird wit brite blue eyes n a stoned luk! behind r my dad n sister

Me b4 the Ireland vs Switzerland match! I luk weird as usual

These foto's aren't gr8 neways from left : Susan , Gran, Sean , Quinn , Laura n dad all relitives

My mum , me my uncle n his g/f

My sister n her b/f at a party

Co , Tori n me in Wex

Me , Bailey n Tori in Wex

Tori , Co n Me in Wex in my room it's cool cuz it's bigger than my 1 in Dublin so it's a nice change

Co n Tori in a pub bathroom. Evil lil Co n Mad lil Tori!

Me n Co in my room all dreesed up!

Me 2 summer's ago and beside Me n Tori strike a pose!

Tori and Co in Wex! :D

Me lukin physco n Co lukin cool

Me n Co I luk weird again!!!! o well! do u like my belly-bar it's a blue diamond? I've changed it to 1 dat says "bite me" now

Tori n Co in Wex smile!!

Me n Tori on Wexford beach luk how nice it luks!! it's 100% gorgeous! my fave beach eva n it's in Ireland