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Patrick's Infomation

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Birthday: October27, 1982

Birthplace: Salt Lake City, Utah

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Tarot Divination: Swords

Life Path Number: THREE (Threes entertain either formally or within their social circle. They have an undying need to express themselves; they have an above-average talent in the arts. They like to be around like-minded people, but enjoy and appreciate others. They are genuinely warm and friendly; Threes make excellent friends and listeners. They are optimists and think positively, which helps them express themselves in the long run. Because of the THREE'S innate love of fun and living for the moment, challenges can develop. It can be common to lack foresight and this thinking can bring about overspending, unexpected moodiness and unproductivity. Further, the love of just having fun can lead towards escapism. Scattered focus can create a situation where there's a lot of activity without results. The THREE is wise to develop set goal plans and to learn solid balance between creative work and social fun.)

Chinese Astrology: Dog

Family: Parents, Jan (dance teacher) and Bruce (electrician) and two siblings: younger sister Jocelyn and younger brother Colin.--Thanks to Lisa for the names of his siblings.

Filmography: Legion of Fire: Killer Ants! (1998), Almost Famous (2000), Spun (2002), White Oleander (2002), Saved (2003)

TV Appearances: Touched by an Angel (1994; two appearances), Mad TV (2000), ER (2003; multiple episodes)

Favorite Actor: Dustin Hoffman (gotta love a man that can play a woman!)

Hobbies: Skateboarding, playing guitar, and biking.

His voice dropped 1 1/2 octaves while shooting Almost Famous. He also grew three inches. Billy Crudup had to start wearing platform shoes to look taller.

"Most people work up to this point by doing something like walking a dog in the background of a Harrison Ford movie. I got rushed to the front of the line."

"I do know I'll be staying away from the teenybopper, trying-to-get-laid movies. I'll just try to follow my heart."

"I'm not going to go to college for a while, I'm going to carry on acting. I just got my first million dollar offer, which is exciting. It's outragous. Who would pay me a million dollars to do what I do?"

"I definitely didn't wanna make him (Cameron Crowe) look like an ass. I really sometimes felt bad about, you know, how dorky the character would get and how dorky I'd make him look."

"After I heard I had a call-back, I turned into an obsessed fan, I rented all (Crowe's) movies and I was like, my God, he's brilliant!"

WARNING: ADULT LANGUAGE "You know, I thought I'd get into Rolling Stone magazine (as research), so I go to buy one. Christina Aguilera was on the cover! I was like, fuck it! Then N'Sync was on there, and the Back Street Boys. It's just like, grrrr!"

If you have any new information, please e-mail me and include where you got the information (like a web page or a magazine). Thanks!
