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Movie Tips
Camera Tips
Your Own Movie
Motion Pictures



Hello and welcome to the Movie Tips site. Here you can learn about cameras, get tips for making your own movies, learn about motion pictures, and much much more. I am making a quiz as you read this so viewers can test their knowledge. Each week a new poll is created so visitors can share ideas.

A new section has just been added tot his page! It is called the Filming Schedule Page. There you can see the schedule of my next shoots and read descriptions on what has been filmed. Just click on the link.

Please come back to check for updates!

Also, check out the Movie Terms page.
Attention all moviemakers! The Movie Gallery Student Movie Competition is under way. Click on the link for more information. But remember, you must be in high school or college to enter!



Questions or Comments?

Email me at


ATTENTION all members of my new movie! Click Here to type in your password and look at the new scene maps as I make them! Thanks!
I have also added a new thing to this page. It is called Aim Express. Click on one of the buttons below to either IM me, Email me, or add me to your buddy list. Try it, I'm probably on!

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