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Welcome To Angel Girl

           ver. 1.0

Welcome to Angel Girl Ver 1.0 =^.^= Here you can find 'The Protector' a fanfiction series written by me complete with a soundtrack and pictures.

'The Protector' is about a young girl who gets sucked into a world that she could just barely understand, forced to protect people from attackers and the likes.

She's been taking these missions for about two or three years now. She used to be such a carefree girl until one of her missions went horribly wrong..

Now, she trusts nobody but her family and is cruel and mean to the people she must protect.

But.. then something unexpected happened..

Her new mission?

Clay Aiken.

Link To Me

           for you...

Layout image from Anime Visions. Layout made using PSP. Layout made by Lillian


           The Protector
:: The Story ::
:: The Music ::
:: The Pictures ::

Links Out

:: Link ::
:: Link ::
:: Link ::
:: Link ::
:: Link ::
:: Link ::

Website is owned by me as well as pictures for 'The Protector'. I did not make this layout, you can find a link below to the website where I got it from.

E-mail me any comments, suggetions, or if you just want to talk =^.^=

Disclamor: The Protector and all charecters belong to me except for Clay Aiken.