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The Vampire Marius...

"... the dread of something after death-
that undiscover'd country from whose bourn
no travel returns..." ~ Hamlet

Marius de Romanus, a Child of Millennium. He is a vampire, made by the God
of the Grove in the land of the Celts. He is a man of refined taste and
vast knowledge. He knows many languages, even the ancient Egyptian tongue,
which he learned in Egypt.

Character's Information

Marius has had a long time to learn things, Click here to find out about his
over 1000 years on earth.

The following link go to quotes Marius has said through out the books.

Quotes From "The Vampire Lestat"

Quotes From "The Vampire Armand"

Quotes From "Blood and Gold"

Creator's Information

AIM SN: MariusXAmadeo

I am Marius de Romanus. At least in the Appassionata.

My favorite quotes from the books, and a few other random things...

Infomation on ME

RP Programs

AIM is where I learned to RP and it is my favorite IM program.
If you don't already have it, it is available here Get AIM
RP can be done on other IM programs as well, but as I said,
I personally perfer this one.
Another useful program is AIM+ this allows the RPer to have more than one
copy of AIM running at once(multiple games can be played at the same time)and it
also creates logs of one's conversations that might come in handy in later games.

Marius and Vampire Chronicles Related Web Pages

The Appassionata... My beloved home.