A sampling of Ray "Crash" Corrigan's endorsements follows:

Sultana drink endorsement
Front of Sultana drink brochure. Ray Corrigan was president of Sultana.

Sultana drink endorsement
Back of Sultana drink brochure.

Sultana drink endorsement
Inside of Sultana drink endorsement.

The Good Humor Endorsement following is from the collection of Laurel Proeme, Vintage Hollywood.

Good Humor ice cream endorsement
Front of Good Humor Ice Cream Endorsement

Good Humor ice cream endorsement
Inside of Good Humor Ice Cream Endorsement

Good Humor ice cream endorsement
Back of Good Humor Ice Cream Endorsement

WheatiesThe "Breakfast of Champions", Wheaties. Ray Corrigan photo from Undersea Kingdom.

WheatiesWheaties endorsement during The Three Mesquiteers' period.