Located between Fort Apache and Silvertown, Vendetta Village was built in 1946 by Howard Hughes for his film "Vendetta". When Corriganville was opened to the public, Ray renamed it Corsican Village. The sets were removed after Bob Hope took over ownership of the property (gone by November 1967).

Corsican Village
Corsican Village (from the Mark S. Cramer, MD, FAAFP collection)

Corsican Village
Corsican Village (from the Mark S. Cramer, MD, FAAFP collection)

Corsican Village
Corsican Village (from the Mark S. Cramer, MD, FAAFP collection)

Corsican Village site at Corriganville
Corsican Village Site (photo copyright 1998 by Jerry L. Schneider)

The following three black and white shots of Corsican Village are from the film
The Baron of Arizona:

Corsican Village/Baron of Arizona

Corsican Village/Baron of Arizona

Corsican Village/Baron of Arizona

The following four color shots are from the film Inspector General:

Corsican Village/Inspector General

Corsican Village/Inspector General

Corsican Village/Inspector General

Corsican Village/Inspector General

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