Terhune at Work
Max Terhune and Elmer entertaining visitors in 1965
(from the personal collection of James E. Hankins)

Terhune with guest
Max Terhune holding guest, John R. Bogdany
(from The Duck Creek Studio Collection by permission)

Carol Chandler and Peggy (Calamity Jane) LaMar (from the Bonnie Chandler collection)

CorriganvilleWhen I (Stephen Lodge, see photo to right) was at The Ranch, Crash had me star in a Billy The Kid movie we made during the week--so the customers could see a film being made. The first few weeks we actually had film in the camera and would show "dailies" in the sound stage--again for the customers. Later on, we didn't use film, only the set up to fool the people into thinking we were shooting a movie. (Stephen Lodge)

Stephen Lodge (from the Stephen Lodge collection)

Carol Chandler and Joe Dolan (from the Bonnie Chandler collection)

Stephen Lodge (from the Stephen Lodge collection)

Carol Chandler (from the Bonnie Chandler collection)

Stephen Lodge (from the Stephen Lodge collection)

Carol Chandler (from the Bonnie Chandler collection)

Max Terhune and Elmer, closeup, at work
(from the personal collection of James E. Hankins)

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