Tarzan Triumphant

Professor Lafayette Smith and Danny "Gunner" Patrick were products of two opposite poles of society; they were a strange pair to be thrown together on safari in Africa. But they had more in common than Lady Barbara Collis and Jezebel. Each of the four was the result of an environment and heredity totally foreign to that of the others. How Fate brought them together The Lord of the Jungle, Tarzan, against a background of the menacing forces of the evil men of the lawless places. You will lie bound and helpless in the village of Dominic Capietro, the white slave raider; you will hear the staccato roll of a Chicago gangster's sub-machine gun splitting the silence of an African night; and through it all you will witness the unfolding of the surprising love stories of two beautiful women.

Trade Paperback

FIRST EDITION TEXT (Uncensored, unedited)

Hardcover w/dust jacket:
6 x 9 inch
294 pages
ISBN 978-1078707237

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
294 pages
ISBN 978-1647205577

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