MURDER IN THE FAMILY by Leigh Brackett--Everything was screwy; from the prehistoric statues near the tar pits, to the whole Rieff family.

THE BEST MOTIVE by Richard S. Prather--There was this lunatic, the girl told Shell Scott, who was going to kill her. It wasn't the cheeriest subject to be discussing in a haunted night club.

BRING BACK A CORPSE by Brett Halliday--Shayne didn't want to take on the job of finding Homer Wilde's vanishing business manager. But Lucy Hamilton was one of the great TV star's adoring fans. So, within fourteen hours,. the redheaded detective found himself winging his way to New York on a Super-Constellation. Assignment--Bring Back a Corpse!

ALIBI IN REVERSE by Robert Leslie Bellem--Nosey Logan had a peach of an alibi; so perfect it was foolproof. But if he'd been without one, he'd have been safer!

MURDER AMONG THE DYING--a Black Bat Novel (part 2 of 2) by G. Wayman Jones--A body hurtles through the air from a skyscraper window-and before it hits the ground the Black Bat is plunged into a baffling mystery of greed and gore! Follow the trail of Tony Quinn as he speeds into the most perilous criminal chase of his career!

8.5 x 11 inch
96 pages

#1 DETECTIVE MYSTERY MAGAZINE Premiere Issue, February 2020


MURDER AMONG THE DYING--a Black Bat Novel (part 1 of 2) by G. Wayman Jones--A body hurtles through the air from a skyscraper window-and before it hits the ground the Black Bat is plunged into a baffling mystery of greed and gore! Follow the trail of Tony Quinn as he speeds into the most perilous criminal chase of his career!

FRAME FOR A LADY by Cleve F. Adams--Sheila Carmody is Suddenly Catapulted into the Very Midst of a Grim Crime Jig-Saw that Defies Solution!

HOT SPOT MURDER-GO-ROUND by Bruce Cassidy--There was never one dame for Big Jim Crane . . . never one with nice legs and a smile-there were always two, murdering each other behind his back.

COFFIN BAIT by Ellery Watson Calder (Robert Leslie Bellem)--The Quinns always paid their debts, and Bill had one to pay for his brother. Then, when he got into trouble with the police, he had a debt of his own to settle: if he didn't convince the police that he was on the level-then who would believe him?

8.5 x 11 inch
94 pages


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