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"There is no question in your mind that this dude is the master" - ICE-T

Ooooh, Content!

Hello people. This site now has content in the form of an injury list - it wouldn't be a Jackie Chan site without an injury list, and a filmography. Next week hopefully I will have completed the pages where future news of Jackie Chan films shall go, the bloopers page and the reviews page. Other than the first bit of content on my site going up the news of the week is that I finally got around to watching Gen-X Cops, the Benny Chan directed vehicle starring the likes of Daniel Wu and Eric Tsang. Jackie has a cameo appearance in as he produced it and I definately recommend you watch it as it is a very entertaining film. A mini review will be posted once the review section is up. I leave you today with the great news that it is now only a five week wait until "The Tuxedo" is released in the UK, (or a two week wait if you are lucky enough to live on the other side of the Atlantic).

Dave 13/9/02


The Beginning, Part II

Hello people. In April 2001 I constructed a website as a tribute to the king of kung fu that is Jackie Chan. For sixteen happy months I updated that site and in the period had a total of nearly 4000 visitors. However because of problems involving a free company deciding to charge people I left and have begun this new site, here. The site is yet up and running but hopefully should be within a fortnight. Until then, there is a poll for you to vote in, and for those Jackie Chan fans who live in the UK, 'Rush Hour' is on television on BBC1 at 8.15pm on Saturday the 7th of September. I have added a few random links to film related sites which I recommend you check out.

Dave 5/9/02

Random film related websites you should visit while you are waiting for my site to go online.

Please come back and visit again when my site is up and running properly!

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Site last updated 5th September 2002