got profile? last updated July 7, 2005


Brad Spence





The Brad Spence Profile

  • Date filled out : 1.19.05
  • Name: Brad Spence
  • People also call you: Brad
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 155 lbs
  • Favorite Movie: Old School
  • Idea of Worst Movie: Open Water
  • Pet Peeve: Sean Kramer
  • What do you smell like: Cabbage
  • What make you funny: Wait I'm funny!
  • People say you look like: garbage
  • Favorite ethnicity: Canadians
  • Favorite ethnic food: Mexican
  • Craziest thing you would do for $1,000: Shave a shark
  • Would you like to be roasted: sure
  • Say something funny: Die!

Brad Spence poll

  • Status: Affiliate
  • Roles: speaker








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