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The Candice Roast



The speakers

Candice Sketch Script

Show Rundown

Sean's Routine

Candice poster

What is a roast




When:  Thursday, October 7, 2004 from 11:00pm to 2:00pm

Where:  Camelot Village Recreation Hall


Post-Roast Summary

The roast was a success!  About 50 people turned out, and none of them went home without a laugh.  9 of the 12 possible speakers spoke, which was not bad.  They turned out to do a great job!

Highlights of the evening include Elai's ribs, Sean's representation of Candice in the sketch, the Duffy and Candice special, Butto remembering two jokes, Michelle dissing Sean (her husband), Kyle Wells on Candice's bathing habits, Bruce painfully improvising, Nick the pot-head forgetting where he was again, John Ruediger being funny (actually), Gary (keynote speaker) on a killer set including the barstool joke, Candice's rebuttal on why Gary always bobs his head, and Last Ditch Effort playing well (actually).

The evening went very smooth.  It hit a little bit of a late start, but it proved to be worth it.  I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.  I know I did.  Don't know when I'll host one of these again, it's a lot of damn work!

Most importantly, I want to thank everybody who made this all possible--  Those who came.  Thank you for your support.  Thank John for the hall and all his Aldi's food, Elai for cooking, Candice for being a great sport, all of our speakers and actors, and those who took the time to come. 

I hope to see another one of these in the future.  They're a lot of fun.  But, most importantly, who's next......

Welcome to the home of the Candice Roast. 

This roast should fare very well.  The Sweatty Roastt and The Joel Roast both were very successful.  The Joel Roast attracted over 20 people and had 5 speakers.

The Candice Roast right now has about 11 speakers slated.  That's right folks, over twice as many.

There are rumors that there is going to be some sketch comedy. 

Rumor also has it that Last Ditch Effort may be playing a set for those who want to stay around after the roast.

Everyone who is already planning on coming would love for YOU to join.

Enjoy free soft drinks and free food.

See you there,


10/10/2004 10:10 AM



Roast summary and thanks are posted (to the left)


The Candice Sketch Script added


Sean's Routine added.  It's not in complete order.  Not all the jokes were used.  So you're getting more than you got to see on stage.


The Candice Roast Show Rundown is posted.  This just goes to show how much work was put into this and all the synchronization that had to take place.  Good times.


The show was videotaped.  I might edit it in the future.... Anyways, if you are interested in a raw copy of tape give me a good VCR to record it in, a blank VHS tape and talk to me.  Sean.


What is a roast section added.  Before it just said this.  It was a dead link.  Now there is actually something there.




Kramertime is written and originally produced by Sean Kramer.  He retains copyright to all of the creative content provided.  Of course, that would be open to interpretation, assuming it were creative.  Anyhow, I hope you enjoy a slice of my sick little mind.

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