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(Please remember these are unedited, so there will be writing mistakes. They are unedited for prosperity's sake. Some of the files aren't even the final draft. Maybe you don't care, but it annoys the hell outta me sometimes to see these glaring errors. Haha!)


Comparison paper: Film Noir vs. Neo Noir

WARNING: There are some SPOILERS for Blue Velvet and The Maltese Falcon. This report was for a class which had us watch both these films, so if you've seen the movies already then a lot of the references will make a lot more sense.
It's also of note that the class gave credit for three different courses: Intro to Personality, History of Film, and English 110. This means that I had to write a report (English 110) that can psychologically analyze (Personality) the characters of the films we watched for the class (History of Film). So there's a little bit of each of these topics in the report.

I like this report a lot. It's good. :)

Sweet Sweetback and Classical Conditioning

Sweet Sweetback's Baadassss Song is an example for defining Pavlov's classical conditioning theory. You know, Pavlov's dogs? Where they would ring a bell before the food comes, and the dogs would salivate once the bell was rung in anticipation of the food? Eventually, the bell could be rung and no food would come, but the dogs would still salivate.

Shane and Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler is psychologically referencing Shane's (from the classic western of the same name) personality issues.
Probably made in 1998.


In 1992, I had a Mythology class. We had to make up our own mythology, so here's my version of a made up myth using the planets as Gods (original, huh?).
The creation of humanity and the destruction of mankind, all in three pages or less!

A Poet's Tale

In my Advanced Composition class, we had to make up a writer from a certain era that we had covered. Don't ask me about details on what we learned, it was too long ago to remember. Here's my fake author's autobiography.
Let's see, there are many allusions to real life stuff in this report. "Pretty Fingers" is loosely titled from an ending to a Stephen King story in Night Shift where a guy eats his own fingers, but the PLOT is based off of Boxing Helena, a crap movie.
"Benediction" is the name of the poem I wrote.
"Monkey Man" is based off of a short story about a dude stuck in an ape's body.
"The Vulture" I think is inspired by an episode of "Tales from the Crypt" in which a prisoner escapes only to be stuck in a desert and followed by a vulture. But it doesn't end the same as the story does.
"Scorpio and the Bastard" was an online friend's poem title.



A short poem about the death of Jesus.


"Eros" means erotic love. This is a poem about one of my erotic loves. Written around 1996.

Death at Your Doorstep

Ooh Garth look! A haiku!
Eight stanza haiku story. Yay.


Growing Pains

A short story about an insecure, slightly nerdy boy who goes to his first party. No, it isn't autobiographical. Really. It isn't. It's actually based off of a story told by the main character in Stephen King's Bachman book titled Rage. If you've read that book, you'll understand which story I'm referring to that he tells to the class. It's different enough to be MY story still, but you can tell where I got the idea from.
It's got a little bit of sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Written in August 1998, I think.