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Peter Conan Smith

I AM STALKING YOU report by matt

The End Of An Era

Peter is still in circulation in Humboldt County. He presently resides on Hilltop Crest in Mckinnleyville CA where he works for his girlfriend's parents, doing yardwork. He wants to attend the Berkeley California University for music technology. This picture of him was taken by Mike on Thursday, October 31st, 2002 in Robert Gull's rental house on Beverly Drive. Mike and I had been following Peter for three months without Eila's permission. We knew she wanted nothing to do with any project associated with her X lover but Mike and I's craving for revenge outweighed Eila's quietly voiced concerns. The crew was breaking up one by one because of Peter's personal wreck of a lifestyle. Peter smokes pot and gets drunk off of Sky Vodka on a regular basis. He, as far as we can tell, has discontinued abusing Oxy Contin but we do know his sister still has an active prescription (his other family member's list of presecriptions is unknown). Peter currently has no driver's license because of a DUI he was awarded at 17. He was born and raised in Russia. Peter came to California when he was eleven and his father retired from the Russian government in 1991. Jack Elias Smith has been in a mental institution since December 2001 for stress related illnesses.


This is Peter's current girlfriend- Callie Palmer-Harris. She resides in Mckinleyville, CA (3223 Mount Drive). She works at none other than "Mack Town's" own Taco Bell Restraunt Establishment. Callie moved here in 2000 to get her degree but dropped out after only one year at HSU. She grew up in Orange County, CA. We got this photograph from a particular co-worker of hers who told us that Callie does not love Peter and that she has a constant wandering eye for young (well endowed) men. Callie is a regular at ClubKnocks (where she met Peter). The bands which compose the cd wallet in her car are: Front 242, KMFDM, Snog, Wumpscut, VNV Nation, Godflesh, Foetus, Cop Shoot Cop, Rain Fell Within, Skrew, Young Gods, Cocteau Twins, Lycia, In the Nursery, Slowdive, Cure, and Bauhaus. Callie drives a 1959 Ford F-250 4x4, Fords first production four wheel drive. She recently put in a new clutch and had it repainted (yellow). Callie does alot of speed and hangs out with these goth friends of hers at an after party place informally called "The Batcave", the ClubKnocks afterparty house on Goth Night.


Mike shaved his head and otherwise manipulated his body in order not to be recognized by Peter. He got to know the Goth Night DJs pretty well and over the course of three months, he was inside their home in time for the Halloween Party... We knew Peter and Callie would be in attendance. Mike (a graphic designer) approached the DJ couple, Robert and Marilyn Gull, to propose the design of the afterparty flyer, for which he told them he could produce many for a small fee. He instantly earned the right to the inner circle and susbsequently, earned a solid phantom connection to Peter. He could now spy on Peter's house from a window in the couple's house which was only a scant three blocks from Hill Crest. Once, when Peter came over unexpectedly, Mike locked himself in the bathroom door and, when introduced to Peter thru this door, he lowered the tone of his voice to a slow grovel (which he had already put into practice in front of the unwitting DJ couple, in preperation for such an offchance occurance). Finally, all work on Peter came to an end as he showed up late Thursday night, at 4:17 AM already drunk and without his beloved Callie. Peter spoke with 6 different individuals over the course of four hours before passing out on the den room sofa at 8:05 AM. Good night, Peter. Your wallet and your glasses will miss you!