.:Hazard Films
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"These aperture eyes of mine."
.:Hazard Films:.
It all began in October of 1999. Brandon Clayton was attending Taylorville High School with a few friends and suddenly decided to make a movie. So on October 12th, the 15 minute classic, The Taylorville Chainsaw Massacre was released to close friends and family. Somehow, copies of copies were made which led to tri-county cult classic. Regretably do to time and poor editing equipment, the film has been destroyed. This movie was just a stepping stone for things to come. Pure Evol Productions hit soon after. The films to be released next were The Eddie and Pepito Show, and 720. Both films hit it large with the students and faculty. Late 2001, marked the new change to Hazard Films. This would be the name that would spread Brandon Clayton all around the country. The first big film from Hazard Films, and Brandon Clayton himself was released in October of 2002. The film, Quite Bitter Beings, has been the most associated film to the Hazard Films name. The film appeared on a Chicago news channel without anyone from the company knowing about it. Brandon has been recognized all around the midwest, Florida, and California. Since the establishment of Hazard Films as a popular independent film company of the midwest, the films being released become better and better. Films like Ace of Spades and 720:2 Now With Sodium have gained much hype in the recent year.
A great company must have a great crew. You cannot talk about the pioneers of Hazard Films without mentioning several people. The first unforgetable person You must name is Keely Roth. Keely was asked back in 2000 if she wanted to appear in a movie called One of Those Days, an unfinished zombie movie. She jumped at the offer, and to everyones surprise she was excellent. she screamed, She cried, and she acted! Brandon was surprised someone that talented came out of Taylorville public schools. Keely stayed with the company until late 2002, when she relocated to Miami. Her return to the screen has been thrown around in projects like, Escape From Hellview: Quite Bitter Beings 2 and the fabled Perfect Existence. However, with the spontaneous nature of production of a Hazard Films project, her return happening anytime soon is very doubtful. Bob McKinney has also developed a fan base in Hazard Films cinema. In the two films that Bob McKinney has starred in, he has gained more recognition than any other actor. Ian Dowdy has been with the company since it became Hazard Films. He has spent the last three years acting, and has stated recently that he will not return to the screen. Others that need to be mentioned are the local bands of the midwest. Among all of these, Clone and Lidlifter has by far helped out the most with the productions, whether it be scoring or acting. Scissorhead, Omelas, Honest Pod, Mitre Box, and Panophobia have all had a hand in helping as well.
In Fall 2004, Brandon moved to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois to strengthen his abilities even more. He is silently scouting the campus for the next all star cast for his next project. He is currently working on many films, televison programs, and many other forms of entertainment. He will return to Taylorville briefly in 2006, before hitting the West Coast.