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Emm's Interviews

American Girl Magazine Interview

What was the funniest thing that happened on the set?
Emma: We did a lot of pranks! Once Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry, brought in a remote-controlled whoopie cushion. He tried it on me, but it didn't quite work! Then he tried it on someone else who was going to sit down on a massive sofa. When it went off, Chris Columbus, the director, said, "Cut! What is that thing?" And everyone burst into laughter. Dan pulled other pranks, too -- like making little labels that said "Kick me" or "Punch me." He would stick them onto the backs of everyone who came into sight. It was really good.

Did your friends ever bug you to tell them stuff about the movie?
Emma: Never! Some people did, but they weren't my friends.

Do you have a favorite character?
Emma: One of my favorites is Hagrid. Robbie Coltrane, who plays him, does a really strong accent. I think it sound so funny!

Did you get to meet J.K. Rowling?
Emma: I did! I met her just after I got the part. I liked her -- she's fun!

If you could take one magical thing from the movie and make it real, what would you pick?
Emma: That's obvious -- my wand! Then if I ever needed something, I could always get it.

There's a scene in the movie where you make a feather float. Can you tell us how you did that?
Emma: Pure magic!

AOL Live Interview with Emma and Rupert Grint

***Pointed out in where Emma Watson Talks so it's easier to read

LIVEJessicaMae: Emma Watson and Rupert Grint have arrived! Hey, Emma! Hey, Rupert!
Muggles, wizards and witches everywhere have tons of questions to ask you. Lynn asks:
Question: Hi! How did you feel when you got a part in the movie?
Emma Watson: Amazing, I felt absolutely fantastic!
Rupert Grint: It was so cool! It was amazing! It was the coolest moment in my life.
LIVEJessicaMae: Where were you when you found out?
Emma Watson: We were together. We thought, "Oh, my gosh, another audition!" We were both together, and then we were told that we were chosen to be Ron and Hermione.
LIVEJessicaMae: Divaschmeeva wants to know:
Question: Were there any cast members of Harry Potter that weren't British?
Emma Watson: Chris Columbus, the director, was the only American in the cast.
LIVEJessicaMae: Deuceswild822 is wondering:
Question: When will production of film two begin, and will you both continue to do sequels beyond the second film?
Rupert Grint: Well, me and Dan have started doing the flying-car thing.
Emma Watson: I am starting in December. I haven't started yet. We are taking it one film at a time. I don't know if they are even going to be making a third film.
LIVEJessicaMae: Here's a good one from Mynamesnotkemeng:
Question: Was it difficult to fight a troll in your imagination? -- Kim
Rupert Grint: All of the visual effect scenes were difficult.
Emma Watson: Because you had to pretend when there was nothing there.
LIVEJessicaMae: Angel95129 would like to know:
Question: How long did it take to film the movie?
Rupert Grint: About 10 months.
Emma Watson: Eight or seven months. :) Ha ha!
LIVEJessicaMae: This is a Kids Only question from Mari:
Question: Did you read the books?
Rupert Grint: I have been a Harry Potter fan before there was a film.
Emma Watson: I was in the middle of the third book when I started the audition. By the time I got the part, I finished the book!
LIVEJessicaMae: BuRNiNBLoNDiE910 has a really great Question:
Question: Emma, how did you like working with someone like Daniel Radcliffe? Do you have a crush on him or Rupert?
Emma Watson: Umm, Rupert happens to be sitting right next to me. Number one, if I did, I wouldn't tell you! And, number two, I don't, actually! :)
LIVEJessicaMae: Henry pup asks:
Question: What was the best part of the filming?
Rupert Grint: It was all the visual special effects.
Emma Watson: For me, it was the people, the locations and just the fun of acting.
LIVEJessicaMae: Here's another Kids Only question from Amanda:
Question: Rupert, do you have a girlfriend?
Rupert Grint: Ummm, no!
LIVEJessicaMae: SilverDragon574 asks:
Question: Who is you favorite Harry Potter character in the books?
Emma Watson: Hagrid. I think he is really funny!
Rupert Grint: For me, it is probably Ron. He is very much like me. I have the hair, I am afraid of spiders and I like sweets!
LIVEJessicaMae: This question is for you, Rupert. Shahinanawaz asks:
Question: What was the best thing about playing Ron in the movie?
Rupert Grint: Eating sweets all the time! You get to meet a lot of people, and that is nice.
Question: If you had an invisibility cloak of your own for a day, where would you go and what would you do?
Emma Watson: I would make myself invisible so that I could sneak into films for people over 15 years of age.
Rupert Grint: I would sneak out of detentions if I were invisible!
LIVEJessicaMae: Kelly and Kyle would like to know:
Question: Which character did you think was the scariest?
Emma Watson: There is an obvious answer, Voldemort!
Rupert Grint: For me, Hermione. Just kidding! Voldemort.
LIVEJessicaMae: Do either of you play sports?
Emma Watson: I love sports. I play rounders, hockey and tennis for my school.
Rupert Grint: I like football -- soccer, for you Americans. :)
Question: If you played Quidditch, which position would you play?
Rupert Grint: I would be a beater.
Emma Watson: I think I would be a chaser. I think a chaser would be fun, because you get to move around a lot and you have the most fun.
Rupert Grint: I picked the beater because you'd get to hit the bludgers!
LIVEJessicaMae: Bronwyn wants to know:
Question: What's your favorite line from the movie?
Emma Watson: Mine would be, "I'm going to bed before either of you comes up with another clever idea which will get us."
Rupert Grint: "Bloody Brilliant!"
LIVEJessicaMae: Catie is wondering:
Question: How did you feel the first time that you saw the movie?
Emma Watson: The first time I saw the movie, I was scared. It was really freaking seeing myself 10 feet tall on the screen.
Rupert Grint: I would say that was about the same for me.
LIVEJessicaMae: This one is from BUDMAN327:
Question: How has being so recognized by people changed your life?
Rupert Grint: It has just made it cooler!
Emma Watson: I think that, at first, it would be cool to give autographs and pictures, but it is hard work.
LIVEJessicaMae: I'd like to know... If you could keep one prop from the set, which would you pick?
Emma Watson: I think I would like to have one of the chess pieces.
Rupert Grint: I would like to keep the sweets!
LIVEJessicaMae: I know that you guys have both met author J.K. Rowling. What is she like?
Rupert Grint: She is really down-to-earth and nice!
Emma Watson: I agree, she is really very nice and humorous.
LIVEJessicaMae: Andrew wants to know:
Question: What is your favorite memory growing up?
Emma Watson: I really don't know. :)
LIVEJessicaMae: Jess1cox asks:
Question: Is there anything taken out of the movie that was in the book?
Emma Watson: I don't think so. They tried to be as faithful to the book as possible. Obviously, they had to keep some things out, or the movie would be a day long. But I think they were very faithful to the book.
LIVEJessicaMae: This one is for Emma from Mjsbone8:
Question: Emma, are you anything like Hermione?
Emma Watson: No, mainly because I enjoy school, but I am not great at school.
LIVEJessicaMae: Anibrain1 wonders:
Question: Were the every-flavor beans you used in the movie really every flavor?
Emma Watson: Yes!
Rupert Grint: Yes, there was grass, vinegar. There were also nice ones as well -- ice cream, etc. So, yeah, they were every flavor!
LIVEJessicaMae: Which of those flavors was the worst?
Rupert Grint: Well, I had this really horrible one -- I still don't know what it was.
Emma Watson: I did try some, I think the worst was vomit flavor! I didn't realize it at the time. Horseradish was pretty bad too.
LIVEJessicaMae: Usagirl100 would like to know:
Question: What was your favorite scene that you acted out and why?
Rupert Grint: I love the chess scene. But I like Hogwarts as well, because it was very dramatic.
Emma Watson: For me, it would probably be the troll scene, mainly because I had stunts to do.
Question: What is your holiday wish?
Rupert Grint: I wish everybody would go to the film!
Emma Watson: I wish there was peace between America and Afghanistan.
LIVEJessicaMae: Next question comes from Mt Giraffe:
Question: Do you want to continue acting throughout your life?
Rupert Grint: I do. I really enjoy it. I've had so much fun. It is really cool.
Emma Watson: If it comes around, it comes around. If it doesn't, that is OK. I am very open to ideas!
LIVEJessicaMae: We've got time for one more Question: What would you like to tell American audiences about the movie?
Emma Watson: Go see it -- it is absolutely amazing!
Rupert Grint: I would just like for everyone to go see the film.
LIVEJessicaMae: Emma and Rupert, thanks so much for stopping in to chat. Come see us again!
Emma Watson & Rupert Grint: Thanks!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Premiere

EMMA WATSON ('Hermione')
How did you get your big break in films?
Really by chance. Some people came to my school and said, “Is there anyone who wants to audition?” I got the audition and they kind of went on and on, and then I got the part, really.

If you had a magical power, what would it be?
I'd like to make myself invisible so that I could get in to rock concerts.

Are the "Harry Potter" films getting darker and scarier as they progress? What do you think about younger children seeing this particular movie?
It's not necessarily getting much scarier or darker, it's just getting more mature, I suppose. It really does depend on the kid. I took in a 5 year-old of my friend's, and I was the one cowering in my seat. It just depends on the kid, really.

Nickelodeon Magazine:

Nickelodeon Magazine: How did you get the part?
Emma Watson: My drama teacher at school called out my name at assembly and asked if I'd like to do the audition. I went up with a couple of friends for a bit of a laugh. Then it got more and more serious. It was really scary, but it was great.

NM: How are you and Hermione alike?
EW: She loves cats, and so do I. I adore animals, but cats are my favorite. I've got two, Bubbles and Domino.

NM: Is there anything that you don't like about Hermione?
EW: She's a bit too concerned with rules. She overdoes it when Harry gets the Firebolt, and she seeks out Professor McGonagall. She was obviously worried, but I probably would've had a talk with my friend before I sought out a teacher.

NM: Was there a scene that was particularly hard to do?
EW: Yes. Neville comes to me with his toad, Trevor, and says, "Do you want to kiss Trevor good night?" Every time he did this I burst into laughter. I was supposed to give hime an "I hate you" look, but I couldn't help myself. It took me about eight takes to get it.

Before the release of Harry Potter
QUESTION: Why are people, young and old, so taken with Harry Potter?
DANIEL: Many people are not as brave as Harry, and being an orphan is quite scary. He has managed to deal not only with that, but with living with people who probably hated him. Then after that scary, strong powerful stuff, it´s just an amazing story about zero to hero.
Q: Daniel, what is it like to see your face on billboards and know that you are identified with the most popular boy in literature?
DANIEL: Surreal is the only word to describe it. It is strange, but it makes me feel really good inside. How many boys of my age have their pictures put on billboards? Not that many at all. So it is amazing to see myself. There are times when I just think, "Is there a luckier boy in the world?" No, I don´t think so.
Q:When do you think all this excitement will die down? After the movie comes out?
DANIEL: I don´t think it will die down for a while.
EMMA: And then the fifth book is coming out soon. When does it come out?
DANIEL: I have no idea ...
EMMA: With the film and the fifth book put together ...
DANIEL: Then when the videos come out ...
Q:So, the hype will never die down?
DANIEL: Eternal Harry.
Q: Do you expect that you´ll be recognized everywhere?
DANIEL: I look quite different without my glasses on.
RUPERT: I haven´t been recognized yet. I think it would be really cool.
EMMA: I have been recognized. In Oxford. It´s not a small city, really. But the school that I go to, it kind of gets carried around till the whole city knows.
I got noticed on British Airways. That´s just scary.
DANIEL: I think you have probably been recognized the most of all of us. I think you look quite like your character.
EMMA: Yeah, I look like her and act like her. Well, not act like her that much. I look like her, basically.
Q:Are you looking forward to being recognized and asked for autographs?
(An enthusiastic chorus of yeahs and oh, yeahs!)
Q: Did you stay in contact after you finished shooting in May?
EMMA: No, we´re so bad.
DANIEL: So bad.
EMMA: At the very end we were like, "I´ll call you. See you around."
Q:Let´s do lunch?
EMMA: And it never happened.
RUPERT: Our dads did.
EMMA: Our mums and dads are better than we are.
Q: After you have gone through an experience like this movie, do you expect to be friends till you are old?
EMMA: I think we would attempt to. Definitely.
Q:How would you describe each other? What are each of your special characteristics? Emma, go first. Tell us about Rupert.
EMMA: Rupert has a very good sense of humor, and he is our teacher on the set. He is also very excited about his mobile phone. He loves his mobile. He picks up the phone like, "Oh, somebody loves me!" And Rupert says, "Bet it´s the wrong number." He´s so witty and fast.
Q:OK, Ron, tell me about Emma.
RUPERT: She´s really clever.
RUPERT: Really clever, and she has got a good sense of humor. If we pull a prank on her, she might cut us off.
DANIEL: She´ll just hurt us.
(More laughter)
Q:Now who is going to get Daniel?
DANIEL: Whoever it is, be really careful.
RUPERT: He is really funny, and he´s clever.
DANIEL: And you are kind.
(They all laugh. As Emma is about to begin, Daniel leans over and bores his eyes into her.)
DANIEL: No pressure!
EMMA: Dan is the kind of guy you can make run 20 miles and run back again, join the army, stay there for three years.
DANIEL: Are you saying I´m stupid?
EMMA: Then tell him to climb Mount Everest and he´d come out saying, "Hi, can I do that again?" He´s just so enthusiastic. However long the hours were or however school was, he always had a smile on his face.
DANIEL: Unless it´s maths!
Written by Thomas Chau / Held in New York City
As Rupert Grint and Emma Watson walk into the press room in New York City, all of the eyes of the press members point downwards, as the two co-stars of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” quietly take their place. Like most kids their age, they’re less than five-feet tall in height. Needless to say, however, their energy and excitement for the film has them standing taller than anyone else in Hollywood.

11-year old Emma Watson jumps into her first actor role as Hermione Granger, friend to Harry Potter and Ron Weasley at the Hogwarts School of Magic. Hermione is perhaps the most decorative character, for she’s the most bossy and arrogant, and at the same time, the nerd of the group. When asked if she found this similarity with Hermione, she laughs and simply commands “Ask my brother!” Regarding school, Emma says modestly, “Um…no. I don’t enjoy studying. I enjoy school, but I’m not obsessed with school, that’s kind of the difference between us.”

13-year old Rupert Grint knows Harry Potter’s confidant, Ron Weasley. He is Ron Weasley, or so he tells us. “Well when I was reading the books, I always thought I could relate to Ron because we both got red hair, we both like sweets, both scared of spiders, and we both got lots of brothers and sisters.”

At such a young age, it is unquestionably a daunting experience seeing oneself on the big-screen. “For me, it was just so scary seeing myself that big on the screen,” said Rupert.

Regarding her first experience, Emma says, “The first time I saw it, I was like, ‘Oh my God’ and I literally felt weird for a few seconds, cause it’s weird seeing yourself on screen. And then the second time I watched it, I enjoyed it a little. The third time I watched it, I actually picked up how they had done it and I really enjoyed it.”

Both Rupert and Emma have had their taste of Harry Potter fandom. In fact, they were fans of the books themselves before the movie was even a concept. “Oh yeah, I was like the biggest Harry Potter fan before I even knew it was going to be a film,” said Rupert.

“I was already in the middle of the third one when I started auditioning and finished the fourth before I had the role so I was like a major Harry Potter fan,” answered Emma.

So why has the Harry Potter series gripped both adults and kids alike? “Um, I reckon it’s because it’s for all ages,” says Emma. “Because, in a way I’ve seen just as many adults reading the Harry Potter books as I have seen the children, and it’s kind of got a mix of everything – comedy, adventure, it can make people cry. J.K. Rowling describes everything really well [because] you kind of feel like you know the characters. I reckon it’s just as popular in Britain as it is in the United States. Not even just that, but around the world.”

Both children find themselves under the direction of Chris Columbus, who has directed countless other family/children films as well, such as “Home Alone,” “Stepmom,” and “Bicentennial Man.” Emma comments, “He is such a cool director, so nice. I haven’t worked with any others but I’m sure he’s one of the best (laughs). He would say [the scene] himself and say ‘How do you want to do it?’ He wasn’t really bossy and he wasn’t telling us what to do, or say, or how to act. He is a fantastic director.”

It is late in the afternoon at the interview, and despite doing hours and hours of press, they still find time to be kids. When asked about the perks of being in the “Harry Potter” movie, Emma still finds a way to be clever.


Emma: I’d say going to different places. We went to loads of locations which was really fun, met some new people, and it was fantastic acting with really good co-stars, ie. Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane, Zoe Wanaker, Julie Walters, and it was just a great cast.
Rupert: And for me, probably the sweets.
Emma: (Rolls eyes) I say a long sobby speech, and he says…’sweets’.

Evidence that they still maintain their youth can also be found from some of their answers to other questions. When asked if they could have one magical power from the Hogwarts school, what would it be and why, Emma responds, “I think I’d make myself invisible so I can go into movies for over 15 [year olds]!”

Rupert agrees but has an ulterior motive. “Yeah, I’d be invisible but I’d sneak out of detentions.”

Their experience with Hogwarts isn’t over yet: Both are committed to do at least one more film, entitled “Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets.” Emma reveals that both Rupert and Dan have started shooting their scenes already, but that she will be joining them in December. “Oh yeah, it’s going to be real fun,” Rupert chimes in. “I can’t wait to cough up slugs!”

The sun has set in New York City and both kids are visibly exhausted. Emma takes out her chapstick and starts playing with it, while Rupert slumps lower in his chair. So how have they handled being asked the same questions, over and over again, by different reporters? Emma presents her solution in an outburst.

“That’s the good thing about them! They all ask exactly the same questions and you can say exactly the same answers! You don’t have to think, you can just stand there like a broken record going LALALALA…”

Laughter erupts among the group of reporters sitting at the table with them. As the two rising superstars exit the room, the energy of the room leaves with them. They’re adorable, they’re charming, and by far some of the most brilliant actors you could ever chat with. But one simple fact remains: They are kids. And they’ll grace their presence on screen for many, many years to come.


Hermione: Watson poised for stardom
By CLAIRE BICKLEY -- Toronto Sun

Until, that is, she is seen stepping outside for a walk and a quick cry, taking a break from dozens of media interviews scheduled back-to-back for two days.

"It's hard work. I don't think I've ever talked so much in my whole entire life, let alone in one day," she says, a bit over-brightly, but with her composure recovered. She's back inside the gracious library of Knebworth House, a 15th-century mansion chosen to cast some magical atmosphere on press sessions for Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone.

Like her Harry Potter character, know-it-all Hermione Granger, Watson has turned out not to be as precocious and self-assured as she tries to appear. At an earlier press conference, she seemed years beyond the movie's boy stars, even though they're both older than she is. She answered questions with perfectly polished paragraphs and seemed to brim with confidence.

"It's nice that it comes across like that. Really, inside I'm shaking my head off," she says, her dark blonde hair freed from the twin braids she wore earlier.

In one strikingly age-appropriate moment during that press conference, Watson looked positively aghast when a U.S. reporter asked her if she always wore "pigtails." "I never wear pigtails," she said. "I wear plaits."

Watson was reading the third Potter novel when talent scouts visited her Oxford school and she got a chance to audition for the role. Hermione is a sometimes annoying

A-student, but with a sense of adventure. In the film, she lights a professor's trousers on fire to save Harry from danger and has to crawl around under the stalls in the girls' loo to escape a 12-foot troll.

"I might as well have been in the army," she says of the second stunt. "It was really hard work. I think that day I swallowed 50% dust and 50% food, it was that tough."

She says it was hard to be the only girl on a six-month film shoot, and she's tired of being asked about the opportunities for pre-teen romance for either her character or herself.

"I've been asked this by so many people. It's so embarrassing. 'Ah, so you're going out with Daniel?' 'No.' 'Ah, so you have the hots for Rupert?' 'No.' I think I'm going to be single and I think Hermione will wind up single. I do."

Work is under way on a second film, Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, in which Hermione will be transformed into a cat. Watson asked if she can bring a photo of her own two cats and be made to look like one of them. She also has two goldfish and is about to get a baby bunny.

For the star-studded London premiere, she wore a silver dress, feather boa and purple, high-heeled, lizard-skin boots. Although the names of expensive clothing lines roll off Watson's tongue, her lawyer parents have given her no increase in her

#2-a-week allowance since she has become a movie star. They won't tell her how much she's being paid, and it's all being banked in a college fund.

Well, all except for the cost of a post-shoot "massive disco party with a laser show" Watson had with her friends.

"My parents definitely gave me a treat for all the hard work I've done," she says. "It's not like I'm being deprived."

The following is an interview from 16 Magazine!

We'd love to hear about your audition.
My drama teacher called my name out in an assembly, so I walked up to him and he asked me, "I want to know if you'd like to audition for a part in the Harry Potter movie?" I did my first audition for a laugh. But as I got up the ranks, they got more serious. It wasn't until I did the last one that I realized I had a chance of getting it. And then I got the part, which was wonderful.
When you were auditioning, did you know how to pronounce Hermione's name?
[Laughs] Yes!
Did you always want to be an actor?
Yeah, for ages. Probably since I was five or six.
What kind of acting have you done?
I've been in loads of school plays. I did The Swallow and the Prince, where I played the Swallow. I also did Alice in Wonderland, where I played the Angry Cook. My favourite was the musical Morgan Le Fay because there were lots of good songs in it. I love to sing.
So let's talk about the movie. How do you feel about seeing yourself on the big screen?
I really am self-critical. I'll say, "Look! I look so stupid. I look so awful!"
What's your favourite scene?
The Troll scene is the best; they had loads of stunts to do.
Was there anything you wanted to take home from the set?
Loads of stuff! I'd love to take home one of the chess peices. They're amazing. They're massive and I love the colours of them. They're spooky as well. Most of the pawns have weird eyes. It's scary!
What magical powers do you wish you could have?
I'd like to fly.
Did you get to do any flying in the movie?
No, it was unfair! Hermione didn't get a broomstick.
If you could cast a spell, what would it be?
I think I'd like to help people in need.
Do you think you have a lot in common with Hermione?
We're the same 'cause she loves cats and so do I. Otherwise, we're opposites. I love school and I try hard, but I'm not as clever as Hermione.
What are your favourite school subjects?
Well, nonacademically, I love sports. I play rounders-- which is a lot like baseball-- hockey, tennis, athletics, everything!
Are there any subjects you hate?
I hate geography and math. I hate them, hate them, hate them!
How would you like to see the Harry Potter series end?
I would like Voldemort to be properly killed-- dead-- so Harry won't have any more problems. For Ron's dad to get really, really, superduper rich. For Malfoy's parents to go broke. And I'd like Hermione to get a really good job.
Do you think Hermione will marry Ron in the end?
No way! Ewww! I think it's weird because I'm thinking of myself in the part.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Sporty, determined, and try-my-best-at-everything.
Emma's Favourite Things
Favourite Harry Potter book?
The third is the best because it's a compromise
between them all, if you know what I mean.
Favourite Harry Potter character?
I like Hagrid. I think he's just cool and funny.
It's amazing that a big giant can be so emotional.
Favourite clothes?
I love loads of stuff. DKNY, Gap for casual, Harvey Nichols.
Favourite music?
I like Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Dido, Samantha Mumba. I'm into pop music.
Favourite jelly bean flavour?
Sherbert lemon.
Favourite magic trick?
In the movie, I quite like the trick where I'm under the stands and I set things on fire.



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Note: I am not Emma Watson nor do I know her personally. Please respect her privacy, do not ask for her e-mail address, I don't have it and I wouldn't give it away if I did.

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