

1.        My site, my words, my stuff. I can do whatever I want on here, donŐt bother emailing me if you donŐt like what you read, just click of the site and never come back. ItŐs a crappy site, who gives a dam.

2.        Theres a lot of swearing on this site. Cunt and Fuck arnt uncommon, sorry thatŐs the way it is.

3.        If youŐre a fan of the band creed then go away now, ur not welcome here.

4.        If you are a member of a hate group, BNP, KKK and the like, please donŐt hurt me

5.        If your trying to find me to stop me commiting that action that will send my future spiralling into a pit of horribleness, may that be a street race that leaves me paralysed, going to that party where I get arrested for peeing on a Scottish guy or whatever, your looking in the wrong place, people donŐt live on the internet. Try looking me up in the phone book ok?

6.        I take no responsibility for people reading my rants and then shooting some school kids cos ŇEvil Pumbaa told me toÓ. No I didnŐt, you told yourself to. You sick fuck.

7.        There aint no porn on here, put the tissue away Graeme.

8.        If you have fallen in love with a girl, and after a few hilarious scenes of you being all charming and clumsy you two for some reason get pissed of at each other but then at the last minute before she moves to the Phillipines you chase her before she gets to the airport, what the fuck are you doing here?

9.        I donŐt take any responsibility for the stuff on the sites I Link to, I mean come on, How the hell am I supposed to know if imdb.com turns into a midget porn site?

10.   The site disclaimer page is never ever complete without a tenth one. Um, well, donŐt talk to strangers, especially if that.



I made the best efforts to make this runnable on every internet exploring thingy out there. Even on the most clogged up, spy ridden windows run piece of shit this should run pretty fast. pop ups are a problem cos Im a student and cant/donŐt want to affod the premium services, so get a decent pop up blocker from here http://www.download.com.


If you agree to the terms click on the picture. If you donŐt, just fuck of you fucking messed up thunder cunt.