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Status: Retired Veteran

Kelsey Undomiel


1. What is your birthday? February 23
2. What is your sign? Pisces
3. What is your favorite food? Chinese
4. What is your favorite color? Gold, Emerald
5. What is your favorite gemstone? Amethyst
6. What is your favorite movie other than LoTR? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, The Princess Diaries
7. Name some hobbies - Creative Writing, Acting, Reading, Math, Archery, Chinese Language Study
8. Do you have any pets? None
9. What is your major/field of study? Math

What other PEF have to say about Kelsey

"Kelsey always has very poetic posts. Her encounters with orcs have been many, but they always seem to come out worse!" - Tinuviel

"Kelsey's a pretty cheerful PEF, and her enthusiasm for the hunt is hard to miss! She contributes a lot of fun to our adventures." - Lizard