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Item Shop

Regular Senzu Beans- Regains 10,000 of your Hp. (Bag comes with 10 beans, they can only be used in battle) Cost: $3,000

Silver Senzu Beans- Regains 20,000 of your Hp. (Bag comes with 10 seeds, they can be used during and after in battle) Cost: $8,000

Golden Senzu Beans- Regains 40,000 Hp. (Bag comes with 5 seeds, they can be used during and after battle) Cost: $10,000

Korin’s Senzu Beans- Regains all Hp. (Bag comes with 3 beans, they can only be used after battle) Cost: $55,000

Dragonball Radar- Finds a dragonball every 6 days. Cost: $25,000

Scouter- Detects Pl of oppenent and finds a Dragonball every five days. Cost: $35,000

Laptop- Finds a dragonball every 4 days Cost: $60,000

White Flag- Lets you surrender a battle. Cost: $100

Steroids- You get a PL boost of 500,000. Can only use this pill twice. Cost: Not for sale.

Tree Of might- This tree grows PL boost fruits. When you eat one your PL goes up by 200,000. Then it takes a week to grow another fruit. When you eat the second fruit your pl goes up by 100,000. This tree only grows two fruits. Cost: Not for sale.

Minion- A person who starts out with half your stats. Its will do anything you tell it to do.(You Control it) Cost: $70,000

Fusion Earrings- With these earrings you may fuse with another character from this RPG. (See Fusion page.) Cost: $90,000

Team Gravity Machine- This Gravity Machine can only be rented for 7 days but a whole team can use it. Cost: $500,000

Gravity Machine- Can only be rented for 1 week at a time only. Cost: $100,000