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My interest in photography began in 1967 when I purchased my first SLR camera--to take a picture of the rock band 'Cream' when it came to the city.  It was a
Canon FT, I believe.  By 1970 I had developed a very keen interest and began doing my own black and white darkroom work, too.

In 1980 when I moved to a larger house I had the room to set up a full studio with the usual umbrellas, tripods, light meters, backgrounds, and special lighting props.  My subjects were many, and ranged through portraits, nature scenes, rock bands, model portfolios, still life, weddings and passport photos. 

Since the early days my equipment has included Konica 35mm SLR’s, Mamiya twin lens reflex, and Mamiya 645 medium format cameras.   My current cameras of choice are digital, regardless of brand.  I just prefer digital, for the type of work I do, since it is less hassle. 

All the Quebec Gallery shots and most of the  Black and White Gallery were taken with an Epson Photo PC 3000Z, 3.3 megapixel digital camera.  This is still my primary camera.   I also use a Fuji, two megapixel point-and-shoot digital camera for carrying around for impromptu photo opportunities.

I live in Ottawa, Canada.




photos, Dave's photos, photography, digital art, portraits, digital camera, nature scenes, black and white, artistic mediums.