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A page honored for the amazing cast who took part in this stunning film. Includes pictures, interviews, and whatever else I can scrounge up. I will try to get as many pics of all the actors but I'm sure it'll be uneven-sorrry, but I hope you like it anyway.I may have fun and add funny captions to some of the pics, so bear with my corney humor :) BTW-The pics are big and may take a min or two to load-sorry but I guess I like detail(?)

John Rhys Davies

Sean Bean

Elijah Wood

Viggo Mortenson

Billy Boyd

Dominic Monaghan

Orlando Bloom and a elephant.

Sean Astin

Dominic and Sean B.- trying to lasser the photographers with their eyes

elijah- I told you we shouldn't have brang him out in public like this!!

orlando- bleh *drools on himself*

dominic-I swaer if you poke me with your fingers Ill bite them off!

billy- this is going to be a fun night..

Dominic- I swear if you bite my hand I'll pop you one!

Orlando-DIE DIE DIE! *screaming like a nazgul*


Billy-I allways knew he was a canibal...

Sean, Dominic, and Ian. neat leave things on their faces.

Dominic- whats that smell?!

Orlando-*holds back a laugh*

Sean- Christ...

Lady-did you guys smell that....?

Dominic- Err smell what..

Orlando- wasn't me, really...Sean how could you?!

I'll have links to interviews so check back soon.


NONE OF THESE PICS ARE MENT TO BE OFFENCIVE JUST ALL IN FUN! honestly- I think all the actors are awesome, I just am trying to give off a lighter note ;)

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