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Rosie's People: Movie Spotlight
Interview with Brittany Murphy
October, 2001

Q:What are your diversions?

Brittany:I love music very much. My life has always danced to a song. I have Ella Fitzgerald on now.

Q:Do you sing yourself?

Brittany:I love to sing. I was to have played Janis Joplin a few years ago in a biopic for Paramount called A Piece of My Heart, but it fell through over music rights.

Q:Where were you born?

Brittany:I was born in Atlanta, Georgia and we moved to new Jersey, my mom and I, when I was two and a half.

Q:And when did you move to California?

Brittany:January 8, 1991. I just celebrated my 10th anniversary.

Q:Have you had to deal with any tragedies at your young age?

Brittany:My mom was sick when I was younger.

Q:What was wrong?

Brittany:She's wonderful now thanks to the graces of chemotherapy. My mom is a breast cancer survivor. She's an extraordinary person—the strongest person I ever met. She's my one and only.

Q:What area of L.A. are you in?

Brittany:On the other side of the hill. When I drive to my house I get to look at the Hollywood sign on the way up. It is so magical. I finally feel like I'm living in Hollywood, California.

—Interview by William Keck