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SITE INDEX • Battle Royale Battle Royale II Novel Manga Video Merchandise Forums Downloads

Battle Royale

Hi ho, folks! Here's where you can find BR-related downloadables that I've culled from the net. (Right-click and Save As).
More downloadable BR fun can also be had at

Battle Royale

The Enhanced Class Picture - There's no existing high-quality image of the class from the first BR, so I composited this image using stills from the DVD and other available versions of the class picture. It's not perfect, but it's as good as you'll ever find.

The Instacollar
- If you print this out at 300 dpi (creating a resulting image that's 6 inches square), cut it out, and paste it together, you'll have a scale reproduction of the inside and the outside of the Battle Royale 1 exploding collar (aka the Guadalcanal 22).

The Map - A perfect downloadable image of the island in BR1 (the fictional Okishima Island), as originally found on the BR official Japanese website (which is now down).

Bigger IDs - 80 x 120 pixel images of the BR1 students, in one convenient zip file.

Shiroiwa Jr. High Logo - if you ever wondered what that weird symbol on their ties and bags was, it's this gothic/medieval "S" for "Shiroiwa."

BR Logo on Black - The familiar wreath of laurels encircling the words "Battle Royale BR Survival Program," in the equally familiar red-on-black color scheme. The genuine article and not a recreation, originally from the BR official Japanese website.

BR Logo on White - The same logo on a white background.

Battle Royale Thai Flash Game - Choose a player, and choose the order in which you want to use your weapons.

Battle Royale Font - A simple caps-only font recreating the beveled letters on the Japanese publication of the novel and the title text in the opening sequence.

Battle Royale II

Camouflage Pattern - I had an impossible time trying to recreate it from scratch; fortunately BA-TSU (the designers who came up with this unique pattern of urban camouflage) decided to publish it.

Shikanotoride Jr. High Logo - The crest of the new junior high school.

The (New) Map - The map of Wild Seven's island stronghold, as printed in the book Battle Royale II Variations: Shiori Kitano. The book calls the island "Battleship Island," but note from the map that the island bears little resemblance to Gunkanjima, the "warship island" used for some of the shots on BRII.

Wild Seven Logo
- The logo of Shuya Nanahara's terrorist group. Modified by myself to resemble the logo we see in the movie (the source image that I scanned from Variations had the colors switched around). "Jacta alea est" is Latin for "The die is cast," a saying attributed to Julius Caesar when he crossed the Rubicon River, provoking a war with his own people--Pompey and the Roman Senate ("crossing the Rubicon" is another expression meaning "passing the point of no return".

Civilian Shikanotoride Class 3-B photo - Pieced together from the back cover of the book Shuya Nanahara x Shikanotoride Jr. High White Paper & DVD, this is a "lost" class photo of the Shikanotoride students with their teacher Riki.

Shikanotoride Class 3-B warehouse wallpaper - Courtesy of Kiriyama06 from the battleroyalefilm forums, this 1024 x 768 wallpaper was awarded to visitors who successfully made it to a certain level on the BRII online game on the official site. It's a familiar shot from the original BRII handbill, picturing the students sprawled apprehensively inside their warehouse "cage."

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Images are copyrighted by their respective owners.