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{~*Bonio Island*~}

Bonio Island Movie
||| Story lines ||| Photos ||| Secrets (shh) ||| Cast/Crew Info ||| More details & Updates |||
I'm sure most of you have heard of this Movie.Well its been worked on ever since the year of 2000..ya a long time its now 2004!! :| we still aren't done..geez i know its taking a long time but hey at least we are getting somewhere we should be done the whole movie by the summer of 2004 or the beggining of 2005..i know its guna be a long time but oh well thats how commited we are to this movie lol. Anyway this site will tell you ALL OF THE DIRTY DETAILS...well maybe not all but we will tell you some of our secrets (shhh)

ok well most of you have probably heard or maybe not but we are opening auditions for 2 very main parts in the film. One will be a very big character named David the guy that Jennifer hooks up with. So here's what we are looking for: - must be 15-17 years old -must be at least 5'6 -must have a Fit body structure (meaning muscles!!) lol -This one is kind of mean but has to have good really we need a good looking character. -must be commited to there role -must have acting skills -must be able to come MOST of the time (meaning when called on) -shoud live in OR near brampton ontario, unless you have trasportation down to brampton -You must be friends OR know one of the cast/crew members from the film. So if you are interested e-mail me at this address: and i will tell you more the way my name is Evelina and i am the Director of the film..My picture is on the other side of the screen >>>

Ok now some information about the second character..well that will be Jennifers Father in the movie, he is a violent man who tries to kill the family and jennifer, he left the house and never came back when she was five. All we basically need for this character is someone who is: -15-18 -needs to have acting skills -manly (deep) voice -has to come on time and whenever needed. -needs to live in brampton or nearby So if you want to audition or need more information (this is a good role people) please e-mail this address: and then we will write back to you as soon as possible.

Ok we also need LOTS of people to be extras (background people)..soo e-mail at anyone of those e-mails that have been provided and we'll tell you more information..we need A LOT of extras so you tell your friends and they can tell their friends and...ya all of you can e-mail and then come and then we'll choose parts for you. Now feel free to roam around our website and find lot's of cool facts, photos, and details about the movie. Have Fun!

WARNING!!: Whoever signs up to be in this film, be prepared to sign a contract EVERY actor will get one stating that they are to stay in the movie at ALL times unless a serious issue comes up. Thank you

© Copyright Pink Bunniez, LTD. 2004 All Rights Reserved. The pictures and such used here are © their rightful and respcted owners, not me, this is movie made for fun, so don't sue us!!

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