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B(I/P) Computer Sc. G/P-1



First Paper

Full Marks-100

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable


1.     Answer any ten questions:                                                                                                 [2 x 10]

(a)  State the principle of duality. Give an example.

(b)  Find the complement of the function f, given that   

f(x,y,z) = x y z + x y z

(c)  What do you mean by 'hidden I ' in case of floating point representation of a number.

(d)  Distinguish between sequential and combinational circuits.

(e)  Explain the significance of editors.

(f)   List out the major operations performed by an operating system.

(g)  What is a read only memory?

(h)  List out the various types of shift operations.

i)  What is a modem?

(j)   What is a parity bit?

(k)  What do you mean by column major representation of an array?

(l)   What is a multitasking operating system?

(m) Write advantages of applying binary search method over linear search method for searching an element from a list of elements.

(n)  What do you mean by a recursive algorithm?

(o)  What does the following UNIX command do who; we —1.


Group A and B (Combined)

Answer any two questions.


2.   (a)  What is the difference between high level language, assembly language and machine language? 


(b)  List out the characteristics of mainframe, super computer and personal computer.          [4]                                                                       

(c)  What makes RAM volatile and ROM non volatile?                                                       [4]

(d) What are the major functions of a loader?                                                                      [4]




3.   (a)  Define algorithm. What do you mean by efficiency of an algorithm? Explain big oh (0) notation with example.                                                                                                                         [2+3+3]

(b)  Write algorithms for insertion and deletion operations in a linear queue implemented using array. Mention one disadvantage of your implementation.                                                                [7+1]


4.  (a)  What are the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining an ordered list of elements using a linked list over maintaining it using an array.                                                                    [4]

(b)  For a binary tree, prove that the maximum number of nodes in level i is 2' [Consider level of the root to be zero]                                                                                                                                 [4]

(c)    Define heap and write algorithm to implement heap sort for sorting 'n' elements stored in an array.                                                           


Group C

Answer any two questions.

5.   (a)  What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous circuits?                        [2]

(b)  Design an asynchronous decade counter.                                                                                  [6]

(c)  Design a full adder using two half adders.                                                                                  [6]

(d)  What do you mean by propagation delay?                                                                                [2]


6.   (a)  What are the various steps involved in executing a subroutine?                                                   [5]

(b)  What do you understand by vectored interrupts?                                                                       [5]

(c)  Explain the instruction cycle. "If the operands used in an instruction are memory operands, the execution time of that instruction increases". — Explain.                                              [6]


7.   (a)  What is the function of a program counter?                                                                    [4]

(b)  Distinguish between I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O.                                                [4]

(c)  Discuss the working principle of VDU.                                                                                      [4]

(d)  Describe the characteristics of various types of RAM.                                                   [4]


Group D

Answer any one question

8.   Write short notes on any four of the following :                                                                                [4 x 4]

(i)   Kernel of an operating system.

(ii)  Internal and external commands.

(iii) UNIX file system.

(iv)  Virtual memory.

(v)  System tools of Windows (9X) operating system (like scandisk, disk defragmenter).


9.  (a)  Give a comparative analysis mentioning relative advantages and disadvantages of DOS and Windows operating system.                                                                                              [8]

(b)  Discuss pipes and filters of UNIX operating system.                                                                        [4]

(c)  What do you mean by internal and external fragmentation in the context of memory management operation of an operating system?                                                                                                   [4]


Group A

I.    Answer any ten questions :                                                                                                            [2 x 10]

(a)  What is meant by a parity bit?

(b)  Explain with an example what is a mnemonic in an assembly language.

(c)  What is positive logic? What are the voltage levels for a positive logic system?

(d)  Converte the following hex number into its binary equivalent 9 A.F.

(e)  What are execution errors?

(f)   What is a cache memory?

(g)  What is programmable read only memory? Explain briefly.

(h)  What is the difference between a source programme and an object programme?

d)  Verify with the help of a truth table, the validity of the Boole an identity

(a+b)(a+c)== ac+ab.

(j)   Convert the decimal number (17.71875)10 to its binary equivalent.

(k)  How is a negative number represented? Represent - 5 in binary number.

(1)   What is meant by memory access time?

(m) What is a Gray code?

(n)  What are the differences between an interpreter and a compiler?


Group B


Answer any five questions.

2.    (a)    What is a half adder? Write truth table for a half-adder and develop its logic circuit.                                                                               


(b)  What is a full adder? Write truth table for it. How the half adders can be cascaded to get a full adder?                                                                                                                                       [2+4]

(c)  A digital system has a 3-bit input from 000 to 111. Design a logic circuit that produces a high out put whenever two of the three inputs are 1.                                                                                      [4]



3.    (a)  What is a universal logic gate? Show that NAND and NOR are universal logic gates.     [2+8]

(b)  What is the shortcoming of an SR-flip-flop? Explain how this short-corning is removed in JK-flip-flops.                                                                                                                                                 [2+4]

4.   (a)  What is a main memory? What type of memories are used as maim memory in a microprocessor unit?                                                                                                                        [2+2]

(b)  What is meant by address of a memory cell? Explain with a block diagram how a memory cell is addressed.                                                                                                                           [2+4]

(c)  Draw the block diagram of a digital computer and explain the functional components of the central processing unit.                                                                                                                          [6]

5.   (a)  What is the function of an assembler?                                                                                        [4]

(b)  Describe the necessity of linkes and loader in programme execution process.                  [6]

(c)  Describe the basic functions of an operating system as a resource manager.                   [6]


6.   (a)  Compare merits and demerits of assembly languages and high-level languages.               [8]

(b)  What is a system software? How does it differ from an application software?                  [2+4]

(c)  What are ASCII and EBCDIC codes?                                                                                     [2]


7.    (a)  Why formatting of a disc is necessary? What an operating system actually does while formatting a disc?                                                                                                                                 [2+4]

(b)  What is floating point mode? Why normalization of the floating point is done? How addition of two floating point numbers is done?                                                                                [2+2+6]


8.   (a)  Discuss the working principle of a dot matrix printer. Discuss its merits and demerits.         [6+4]

(b)  What is a shift register? Explain with a block diagram the mechanism of serial shift of data   [2+4]


9.   (a)  What operations are performed by an ALU?                                                                                 [4]

(b)  What is the purpose of providing registers in a CPU? Describe various registers which are usually provided in a microprocessor.                                                                                                [2+4]

(c)  What are the various types of instruction format? Discuss them with  suitable examples.   [2+4]