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kaaba, Saudia Arabia kaaba, Saudia Arabia kaaba, Saudia Arabia kaaba,Saudia Arabia Kaaba, Saudia Arabia Kaaba, Saudi Arabia
There is none worthy of worship except Allah
Kaaba, Saudia Arabia                    La-illaha-illallah-Muhammadar-Rasullallah                     Kaaba, Saudia Arabia
And Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
Kaaba, Saudia Arabia Kaaba, Saudia Arabia Kaaba, Saudia Arabia Kaaba, Saudia Arabia Stone SSPI

"You are the best of peoples, evolved for Mankind. Enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah." Al Qur'an 3:110 ...

Imam Shafi' said, "All humans are dead except those who have knowledge ... and all those who have knowledge are asleep, except those who do good deeds ... and those who do good deeds are deceived, except those who are sincere ... and those who are sincere are always in a state of worry." ....

A moral sense is inborn in man and, through the ages, it has served as the common man's standard of moral behavior, approving certain qualities and condemning others. While this instinctive faculty may very from person to person, human conscience has consistently declared certain moral qualities to be good and others to be bad.

Justice, courage and truthfulness have always found praise, and history does not record any period worth the name in which falsehood, injustice, dishonesty and breach of trust have been praised; sympathy, compassion, loyalty and generosity have always been valued, while selfishness, cruelty, meanness and bigotry have never been approved of by society; men have always appreciated perseverance, determination and courage, but never impatience, fickleness, cowardice and stupidity. Dignity, restraint, politeness and friendliness have throughout the ages been counted virtues, whereas snobbery and rudeness have always been looked down upon. People with a sense of responsibility and devotion to duty have always won the highest regard, those who are incompetent, lazy and lacking in a sense of duty have never been looked upon with approval. .... full story...see my weekly Islamic Bulletin.. Aliwa Homepage

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