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Mr Duck Bear3 (2:08:54 AM): how old are you if i may ask?
KirbyStillOnTop (2:10:39 AM): 73
KirbyStillOnTop (2:10:40 AM): why?
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:11:47 AM): i was just wondeirng if u were either an immature adult or immature teen
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:16:25 AM): i'll offer you a proposition. you promise to do 2 things and i will stop bugging you for good
KirbyStillOnTop (2:17:08 AM): hahah what would trhose 2 things be?
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:17:58 AM): 1. you have to call me King Kevin for good, and 2. you have to stop killing bugs.
KirbyStillOnTop (2:19:14 AM): why cant i kill bugs king kevin?
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:20:04 AM): because a) they don't like to be walked on and b) they are living things
KirbyStillOnTop (2:20:20 AM): they barely even feel pain though
KirbyStillOnTop (2:20:33 AM): you know you swallow around 10 spiders a year duckie?
KirbyStillOnTop (2:20:38 AM): how do you feel about that?
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:21:27 AM): that's called accidental. whereas i'm saying for you to stop purposely doing it. get the picture?
KirbyStillOnTop (2:21:57 AM): and if i do this, you'll leave me alone from now on?
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:22:38 AM): if you stop purposely killing them like stomping, exploding, ripping them apart for good. then, yes
KirbyStillOnTop (2:22:51 AM): i promise duckypoo
KirbyStillOnTop (2:22:57 AM): now let this be the last time you IM me
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:23:17 AM): good, i'm glad that you took my offer. good for you and have a nice life
KirbyStillOnTop (2:23:43 AM): bye moron
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:29:25 AM): i'm just gonna pretend i didn't see that
KirbyStillOnTop (2:29:37 AM): i just ate a chocolate covered grasshopper
KirbyStillOnTop (2:29:40 AM): what now bitch
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:29:52 AM): i'm sorry but
KirbyStillOnTop (2:30:11 AM): i know youre a sorry butt
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:30:18 AM): there's no such thing as choclate covered grasshoppers in the u.s. only in do not attempt to piss someone off that is older than you
KirbyStillOnTop (2:30:34 AM): theyre importned n00b
KirbyStillOnTop (2:30:50 AM): im older than you duckfuck
KirbyStillOnTop (2:30:51 AM): im 73
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:30:51 AM): well that doesn't count then because they're already dead..unfortunately
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:31:09 AM): so, you really haven't broken any rule
KirbyStillOnTop (2:31:25 AM): well.. i just killed a fly
KirbyStillOnTop (2:31:26 AM): what now, you waste of flesh?
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:31:49 AM): well
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:31:54 AM): why did you do that you old hag?
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:32:15 AM): what happened to the promise?
KirbyStillOnTop (2:32:20 AM): cause bugs deserve to die... just like animals and you
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:32:37 AM): no i don't deserve to die, and neither do bugs
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:32:51 AM): bugs are living things, and i'm important because i'm gonna make a diff in the world
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:32:58 AM): didn't i just tell you that biatch?
KirbyStillOnTop (2:33:03 AM): why do you see to care about bugs more than animals?
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:33:55 AM): because animals can defend themselves sort of, whereas bugs are small and can't really defend themselves.
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:34:54 AM): now will you stop?
KirbyStillOnTop (2:35:14 AM): most animals cant defend themselves
KirbyStillOnTop (2:35:21 AM): especially not against hunters with guns
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:36:09 AM): yes well animals are somewhat saved by activists. whereas bugs don't have any you either stop, or else face consequence
KirbyStillOnTop (2:36:41 AM): i think ill keep it up
KirbyStillOnTop (2:36:49 AM): do what you must lardass
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:37:14 AM): didn't i see your picture wearing some sort of black suit?
KirbyStillOnTop (2:38:27 AM): yes
KirbyStillOnTop (2:38:30 AM): im an assassin
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:39:28 AM): you know you look different from thatpicture than in that smoking picture
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:39:48 AM): so, you either stop killing bugs, or else i'll knightmare you're lying about yourself
Mr Duck Bear3 (2:54:32 AM): out of curiosity, have u ever stomped on a bug before?
KirbyStillOnTop (2:54:51 AM): ALL THE TIME
KirbyStillOnTop (2:54:57 AM): we just had this conversation moron
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:20:56 AM): um kirby
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:21:05 AM): you do know you promised ot never kill another a bug again...
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:21:18 AM): so i hope that that "ALL THE TIME" statement thing was your last
KirbyStillOnTop (3:21:26 AM): nope
KirbyStillOnTop (3:21:36 AM): i just killed a bug 5 minutes ago
KirbyStillOnTop (3:21:41 AM): looked like your mother
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:22:18 AM): what was it?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:22:26 AM): an ant
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:22:51 AM): where was it?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:23:01 AM): on the floor
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:23:03 AM): please tell me you're joking...
KirbyStillOnTop (3:23:17 AM): nope... i stabbed it with a pair of scissors near me
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:23:24 AM): well i'm happy to inform you though
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:23:29 AM): that bugs can survive stomps
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:23:37 AM): so all of those times that you did
KirbyStillOnTop (3:23:39 AM): not a stabbing though
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:23:44 AM): might've not killed them..
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:23:47 AM): no not a stabbing
KirbyStillOnTop (3:23:49 AM): i cut right into its head
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:23:54 AM): but u did say you stomp on bugs all the time
KirbyStillOnTop (3:24:06 AM): i used to pull the legs off daddy long legs
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:24:07 AM): in which i'm happy most of them survived..
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:24:13 AM): that doesn't kill them stupid
KirbyStillOnTop (3:24:25 AM): nope... because after i stomped on them, i smushed my foot into the ground
KirbyStillOnTop (3:24:29 AM): to be sure and kill them
KirbyStillOnTop (3:24:44 AM): doesnt kill them, but it tortures them and thats much more fun
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:24:45 AM): you mean grinding?...
KirbyStillOnTop (3:24:52 AM): yes
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:24:53 AM): or dragging whatever..
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:25:07 AM): well what if it was a female. you don't want to kill a female bug do you?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:25:08 AM): i make sure they all die
KirbyStillOnTop (3:25:16 AM): yes, even more than a male
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:25:32 AM): and why isthat?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:26:25 AM): because i hate bugs
KirbyStillOnTop (3:26:28 AM): and they all deserve to die
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:26:44 AM): just so u know
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:27:02 AM): female bugs are the most harmless, they would never attack us. i think u should do the same the nxt time u see a bug...
KirbyStillOnTop (3:27:39 AM): how am i supposed to tell what their gender is?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:27:48 AM): and what about black widows?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:27:53 AM): theyre female and they kill
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:28:02 AM): yes well you haven't seen one before so how would u know
KirbyStillOnTop (3:28:10 AM): sure i have
KirbyStillOnTop (3:28:14 AM): ive KILLED one before
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:28:24 AM): oh and it tried to bite you?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:28:26 AM): enjoyed it too
KirbyStillOnTop (3:28:33 AM): yes
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:28:35 AM): so what you're saying is
KirbyStillOnTop (3:28:35 AM): 8 times
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:28:45 AM): you stomped on a black widow becuase she tried to bite you 8 times?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:28:58 AM): yep... word for word
Mr Duck Bear3 signed off at 3:30:01 AM.
Mr Duck Bear3 signed on at 3:30:03 AM.
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:36:25 AM): um
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:36:39 AM): you wouldn't stomp on a bug if it tried to run away would u?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:36:44 AM): quiet.. im killing bugs here because you dont want me to
KirbyStillOnTop (3:36:55 AM): nope.. if they try to run away, I burn them
KirbyStillOnTop (3:37:09 AM): to teach their friends not to run and to face death with honor
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:37:12 AM): oh well that's a reliefe cause burning them would takea while lol
KirbyStillOnTop (3:37:22 AM): yes, more pain for them
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:37:37 AM): well you don't have a burner with u all of the time
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:37:42 AM): so i'm sure they can get away then
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:37:51 AM): they run because they don't want to die
KirbyStillOnTop (3:38:23 AM): ohi have a lighter with me at all times
KirbyStillOnTop (3:38:28 AM): just so i can kill bugs
KirbyStillOnTop (3:38:43 AM): they may not want to die, but they dont deserve to live either
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:38:44 AM): and if you had no lighter they go free right?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:38:55 AM): nope... then i just stomp them
KirbyStillOnTop (3:39:02 AM): and grind them into the ground
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:39:16 AM): but, then they'll stick to ur shoe and ud on't want that...
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:39:23 AM): and shoes are expensive
KirbyStillOnTop (3:39:26 AM): not mine
KirbyStillOnTop (3:39:33 AM): i buy the cheap shows just so i can kjill bugs
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:40:24 AM): cheap shoes?
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:40:30 AM): i don't think there's such a shoe
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:40:34 AM): that is cheap
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:40:53 AM): so unless you don't want things stuck to ur 50 dollar shoe, i'd suggest u stop it
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:42:42 AM): and remember, whenever bugs stand there while you look down, they are afraid..which means back off they won't bug you anymore and they'll leave u alone. just a tip...
KirbyStillOnTop (3:43:44 AM): not killer bees
KirbyStillOnTop (3:43:48 AM): they kill for no reason
KirbyStillOnTop (3:43:55 AM): and you can get shoes for 10 dollars at payless
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:44:40 AM): ugh..don't the cracking nosides ever make u feel bad??
KirbyStillOnTop (3:44:56 AM): thats my FAVORITE PART!
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:45:21 AM): well not all bugs crack
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:45:44 AM): have u killed roaches?
KirbyStillOnTop (3:51:27 AM): all of them
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:52:41 AM): well roaches have hard shells, they can't die easily so eat that
KirbyStillOnTop (3:54:14 AM): oh i kill em tho... trust me
KirbyStillOnTop (3:54:23 AM): i squish em until theyre nothing but white goo
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:54:41 AM): you mean the grinding white?
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:54:44 AM): *right
KirbyStillOnTop (3:55:00 AM): ????????/
KirbyStillOnTop (3:55:02 AM): no
KirbyStillOnTop (3:55:07 AM): i mean what i said fuckbear
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:55:25 AM): white goo...that's..sad
KirbyStillOnTop (3:55:40 AM): sometimes i cook and eat the goo
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:55:42 AM): i mean when they're "goo"...that's like, total killing
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:55:57 AM): you're an ass if you do that
KirbyStillOnTop (3:56:04 AM): roaches are a delicacy in some countries
KirbyStillOnTop (3:56:22 AM): i put the white goo into chocolate sauce... sooo good
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:56:23 AM): yes i know that
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:56:43 AM): how do u get the roach off of your shoe? cause it actually sticks to ur shoe
KirbyStillOnTop (3:58:06 AM): i scrape it off with my spoon... right before i start cooking the remains
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:59:01 AM): you know when u hear the crunches of a bug, they're actually screaming....begging for mercy
KirbyStillOnTop (3:59:15 AM): hahahahahahaahah
KirbyStillOnTop (3:59:18 AM): that makes me laugh
Mr Duck Bear3 (3:59:34 AM): the sounds of cries and mercy make u laugh?
KirbyStillOnTop (4:00:37 AM): when they come from bugs, yes
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:02:07 AM): anyone ever tell you how evil u are?
KirbyStillOnTop (4:02:19 AM): nope... this is my first time
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:03:24 AM): maybe i can change another time, you're obviously too confused and tired now to listen to reason
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:03:29 AM): change *you
KirbyStillOnTop (4:04:08 AM): learn to hate bugs
KirbyStillOnTop (4:04:11 AM): its your only hope
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:04:21 AM): i'd die before that happens
KirbyStillOnTop (4:04:22 AM): im gonna walk around with bug spray from now on
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:04:34 AM): alright i can't hear anymore of this tonight, you disgust me
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:06:51 AM): just 1 q before i go, do u really think you're an assassin?
KirbyStillOnTop (4:07:15 AM): i dont think it... i WAS an assassin
KirbyStillOnTop (4:07:28 AM): i used to kill people in south america for a local drug cartel
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:07:44 AM): how do assassins kill people?
KirbyStillOnTop (4:08:16 AM): depends on how much room you have
KirbyStillOnTop (4:08:23 AM): whenever possible i preferred to use a sniper rifle
KirbyStillOnTop (4:08:27 AM): so nobody would ever see me
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:08:30 AM): so it's distance
KirbyStillOnTop (4:08:37 AM): if possible, yes
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:08:45 AM): but sometimes it can be close contact?
KirbyStillOnTop (4:08:49 AM): if the person is well protected, i like to go in with throwing knives
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:09:21 AM): what about the old sneak up behind and slit throat technique?
KirbyStillOnTop (4:10:07 AM): of course
KirbyStillOnTop (4:10:33 AM): i always carry a dozen throwing knives on my jacket and one huge hunting knife around my belt
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:10:53 AM): but what if they scream?
KirbyStillOnTop (4:11:35 AM): thats why you hit them in the throat
KirbyStillOnTop (4:11:40 AM): kills em quick AND muffles em
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:12:11 AM): and you don't even have to cover their mouthes?
KirbyStillOnTop (4:12:24 AM): nope
KirbyStillOnTop (4:12:35 AM): takes a while to master
KirbyStillOnTop (4:12:41 AM): maybe ill show you some day
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:12:48 AM): i'd rather eat a urinal cake
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:12:59 AM): but lemme finish it off by saying
Mr Duck Bear3 (4:13:50 AM): ok now you're just frontin because i'm readin at your pathetic attempt on being an assassin and i'm going damn gordita, you CRAZAY. you'll never be a pro killer and u know it. later biatch. and fix up your attitude
Mr Duck Bear3 signed off at 4:13:53 AM.