Chapter 7

Padme had got up from the bed, went into the living room, and noted, that the only being in the living room, was Jar Jar. Earlier, before dinner, Sabe came into the room to let her know that Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn came by to take Anakin to the Jedi Temple, so that way, he could face the Jedi Council.

Senator Palpatine, along with Captain Panaka, had stayed behind at the senate, to go over the selection of people, who were picked to take Valorum's place as Supreme Chancellor. She went over to small kitchen area and made her some tea, before going back to her room. On her way back, she saw Sabe standing in the door way and nodded for her that it was time.

Once Padme was redressed, but this time in a gold trimmed black gown that emphasized how slender and small she really was. She also wore an inverted, crescent-shaped crown, with a beaded gold medallion, arced down over her smooth forehead. She came out again to living area and saw Jar Jar walking around the room nervously She smiled and motioned for him to join her by the window.

" Me wonder sometimes why da Guds invent pain." he offered sympathetically to the young girl sitting next to him. " You think yous people gonna die?" he asked, working his billed mouth around the bitter words, as if he could taste them.

The Queen considered the question and then shook her head slowly. " I don't know, Jar Jar."

" Gungans gonna get pasted, too, eh?"

" I hope not."

The Gungan straighten and a fierce of pride brightened his eyes. " Gungans no die without a fight. We warriors! We gotta grand army!"

" An army?" she repeated, with a hint of surprise in her voice.

" A grand army! Lotta Gungans. Dey come from all over. Dat why no swamp beings give us trubble. Too many Gungans. Gotta big energy shields, too. Nutten get through. Gotta energy balls. Fly outta slings and splat electricity and goo. Bombad stuff. Gungans no ever give up to maccaneks or anyone!" He paused, shrugging uncomfortably. " Dat why Naboo no like us, mebbe."

She began to study him closely now and was about to prepare to speak to that thought, when Senator Palpatine and Captain Panaka strode through the doorway in a rush.

" Your Highness," Captain Panaka greeted, and barely able to contain his excitement, as both men bowed quickly and straightened. " Senator Palpatine has been nominated to succeed Valorum as Supreme Chancellor!"

Palpatine's smile was contained and deferential, and his voice carefully modulated as he spoke. " A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. I promise, Your Majesty, if I'm elected, I will restore democracy to the Republic. I will put an end to the corruption that has plagued the Senate. The Trade Federation will lose its influence over the bureaucrats, and our people will be freed from the tyranny of this unlawful and onerous invasion ..."

" Who else has been nominated?" the Queen asked abruptly, cutting him short.

" Bail Organa of Alderaan and Aks Moe of Malastare," Panaka told her, avoiding Palpatine's eyes.

The Senator was quick to recover from the unexpected interruption of his speech. " Your Majesty, I feel confident that our situation will generate strong support for us, when the voting takes place tomorrow." He paused meaningfully. " I will be Chancellor, I promise you."

The young Queen gave him a look, that told him that she really wasn't impressed. She moved past the Gungan and over to the window and began staring out at the lights of the city. They began to come on, as the sun began to fade into the sunset. " I fear, by the time you have taken control of the bureaucrats, Senator, there will be nothing left of our cities, our people, or our way of life to salvage."

The Senator looked very much taken aback. " I understand your concern, Your Majesty. Unfortunately, the Federation has seized possession of our planet. It will be nearly impossible to immediately dislodge them."

" Perhaps." the young girl said, as she turned away from the window to face the Senator. Her eyes were burning with anger and determination. " With the Senate in transition, there is nothing more I can do here." She walked over to where he stood with Panaka. " Senator, this is your arena. I must return now to mine. I have decided to go back to Naboo. My Place is with my people."

" Go back?!" Palpatine was aghast, his pale face stricken.

Panaka looked quickly from one to the other. " But Your Majesty, be realistic! You will be in great danger! They will force you to sign the treaty!"

The Queen was very calm and even composed. " I will sign no treaty. My fate will be no different from that of my people." she turned to Panaka. " Captain!"

Panaka snapped to attention. " Yes, Your Highness?"

" Ready my ship."

Palpatine stepped forward quickly, to intercept her. " Please, Your Majesty. Stay here, where it is safe."

The young girl's voice was edged with iron. " No place is safe, if the Senate doesn't condemn this invasion. It is clear to me now, that the Republic no longer functions." her eyes locked onto his. " If you win the election, Senator, I know you will do everything possible to stop the Federation. I pray you will find a way to restore sanity and compassion to the Republic."

She moved past him in a smooth, gliding motion and was out the door; her handmaidens and Panaka at her heels. Jar Jar Binks followed, shuffling after, as unobtrusively as he could manage, glancing just once at Palpatine, in passing. He was very surprised to see a smile on the Senator's shrew face.

Once in the other room, Padme turned to her handmaiden, Rabe. " Please inform the Jedi Council that I'm leaving to go back to Naboo. I would like to have the Jedi that was with me earlier, back in my service, as bodyguards, please."

" Yes, Your Majesty." Rabe said, bowing to her Queen, as she went out the room.

" Come, Sabe. We have lots to do, before we head out." Padme said, as she and Sabe went into Sabe's small room.

Thirty minutes later, they headed out of the room and noticed that the Senator was gone. Leaving the quarters, they made their way to landing platform and was walking out the door, when the two Jedi and Anakin's air shuttle landed on the platform.

*(pages 233-236 of The Phantom Menace by Terry Brooks)