Chapter 23

Padme began to toss and turn, as her dreams that she was having seemed to be changing, from very quiet and peaceful dreams to very loud and painful nightmares. What she did not realize was that, these dreams are really of flashes of visions of things to come. One of those flashes was of Naboo. What she could see, was her and Anakin at her house in the Lake Country, which was peaceful. As quickly as it showed that scene, it changed to a desert planet. It was here that she would feel not sadness, but anger. Then, the scene changed again to some other place that will hold pain and death. Then, it changed again to a scene, where she and Anakin were back on Naboo. Padme shifted a little bit and even gave a little grown, as she slightly moved around in bed. It was at this time, she did not realize that she was in the presence of an assassin.


In the living room, Obi-Wan began walking around the room. Before turning his attention to the young man, who had never moved from his spot, since he showed up from the lower levels, he noticed that Anakin’s eyes were closed, as he meditated.

“ You look tired.” Obi-Wan came back into the living room from the dining area.

“ I do not sleep well anymore.” Anakin came out of his meditation trance and opened his eyes.

“ Because of your mother?” Obi-Wan knew that was hardy news to him.

“ I do not know why I keep dreaming about her now. I have not seen her, since I was little.” Anakin had a frustration tone in his voice.

“ Your love for her was and even remains deep, but that is hardly a reason for despair, Anakin.” Obi-Wan nodded his head.

“ But these are more than . . . Obi-Wan, could they be dreams or are they visions? Or are they images of what has been or do they tell of something that is yet to be?” Anakin sighed and even shook his head, as he looked at his Master.

“ Or are they just dreams? Well, not every dream is a premonition, but yet, some are visions or even mystical connections. Some dreams are just . . . well, dreams. Even Jedi have dreams, young Padawan.” Obi-Wan gently smiled through his scraggly beard.

Anakin really was not satisfied, with that explanation that Obi-Wan gave him, so he just shook his head.

“ Dreams do pass in time.” the only thing that Obi-Wan could do was nod his head, because he understood why his Padawan was not satisfied with his explanation of what are dreams, visions and premonitions.

“ Well, then, I would rather have dreams of Padme, because just being around her again is so . . . intoxicating.” Anakin replied, with a sly smile on his face.

To Obi-Wan and Anakin’s surprise, there was a smile forming on his face.

“ Anakin, you must mind your thoughts, all because they do betray you. You must remember that you have made a commitment to the Jedi Order, and it is a commitment that is not easily broken. You also know how the Jedi stand on such relationships, as uncompromising. You also know that attachments are also forbidden . . . Oh and most importantly, do not forget that she is a politician, and they are not to be trusted.” Obi-Wan scolded, before he gave a little derisive snort and he then looked towards Padme’s bedroom.

“ She is not like the others that are in the Senate, Master.” Anakin began to protest strongly.

“ Well, it has been my experience that most Senators focus only on pleasing those who fund their campaigns. They are more than willing to forget the niceties of democracy to get those friends.” Obi-Wan eyed his Padawan very carefully.

“ Oh, please, not another lecture, Master. Well, at least not on the economics of politics.” Anakin sighed. He had heard this particular lecture repeated to him, quiet often enough.

Obi-Wan was not a huge fan of all the politics of the Republic.

“ Please, Master. Besides, you are generalizing, and I do know that Padme . . . .” Anakin interrupted Obi-Wan’s speech.

“ That is Senator Amidala.” Obi-Wan sternly corrected Anakin.

“ Like I was saying, she is not like that. The Chancellor does not seem to be corrupt.” Anakin finished before Obi-Wan could say something else.

“ Palpatine is a politician, and I have observed that he is very clever at following the passions and prejudices of the Senators.” Obi-Wan came back into the living room and stood right next Anakin.

“ Well, I think he is a good man, and my instincts are very positive about . . .” Anakin trailed off and his eyes widening and then his expression became one of shock.

“ I sense it too.” Obi-Wan breathlessly said, before the two Jedi exploded into motion.


Inside the bedroom, the Kouhuns were crawling slowly and deliberately towards Padme’s exposed neck and face, as their mandibles clicked excitedly. The droid tooted a series of alarms and focused a light on the bed, in which it highlighted the centipede invaders perfectly, just as Obi-Wan and Anakin burst right into the bedroom.

Padme woke up and her eyes went wide, She sucked her breath inwards, as terror took over her body, as she sat there and watched the ugly, wicked, little creatures stand up and hiss, before they started to come after her. The Kouhuns would have went further up the bed, expect that Anakin was there. His blue lightsaber blade slashed across and right just above the bedcovers. He sliced both of the nasty little creatures right in half.

“ Look! Droid!” Obi-Wan called out and as Anakin and Padme turned towards him, he rushed towards the window. He saw the remote assassin had its appendages retracted quickly.

Before anyone could say anything, Obi-Wan leapt into the blinds. He took them with him, as he went right through the window, shattering the glass. Using the Force, he extend his jump, as he caught hold of the retreating droid assassin. The droid began to fly off and it took Obi-Wan with it.

“ Anakin?” Padme cried out, as she turned back to him. It was then, that she saw him return the look.

“ Stay here! Watch her, R2, and you guys see to her!” Anakin told the small droid. He rushed to the door, but stopped abruptly, as Captain Typho, along with a pair of guards and along with Dorme, came charging right into the room.

Dorme ran over to Padme and pulled her into her arms and held her, as they watched the young Jedi hurry out the bedroom door.

(pages 84-88 from the novel Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones by R. A. Salvatore)