Chapter 19

Padme poured the oils into the water and the smells of exotic floral aroma came from the water, which brought back memories of the Royal Gardens at the Palace of Theed. When things got too much for her, she would go out into the gardens, not only to walking through them, but sit under one of the orange trees.

“ Master Obi-Wan just called, to let us know that he will be here after dinner. He had to go and look through the wreckage and see if he could see something that we did not catch.” Dorme stood in the doorway and watched Padme swirl the water around, in the tub, with her hand.

“ Oh, ok. Thanks. When will dinner be served again?” Padme came out of her trance like state, before turning to her handmaiden.

“ We still have an hour before dinner, so you do have plenty of time to soak in the tub. If you need anything, just give me a call.” Dorme came over and helped Padme out of her Senatorial dress and folded it over her arm.

“ Ok, I will. Thanks.” Padme nodded, then stepped over to the tub, walked up the small steps and climbed into the deep tub. Padme let out a heavy sigh, as she laid back against the back of the tub, swishing the water up over her chest. Closing her eyes, she began to relax.


Thirty minutes later, Padme got out of the tub, wrapped the towel around her body and walked out of the bathroom and into her bedroom.

“ This was sent here a couple of minutes ago. It is from Senator Organa and he wants your opinion on it. If you could give him, what you think, about these issues tomorrow, or later in the week, it would be appreciated..” Dorme came into the room, with a couple of data chips and put them down on Padme’s small writing desk.

“ Ok, that sounds good. I will look at them after dinner, while I am waiting for Master Kenobi to show up.” Padme reached over and picked up the day dress and went over to her closet.

“ Ok. I am going to check on dinner.” Dorme left the room and headed for the kitchen.

It was hour later and Padme finished up her dinner and told Typho that if Master Obi-Wan showed up, to let him up. About that time, Jar Jar Binks showed up and Dorme told him that she would help him, on whatever it was that he needed help on.


“ Ok, that should do it. Oh, if the door chimes, please answer it. It should be Master Obi-Wan. Just let him in and also let him know that Mistress Padme will be with him shortly.” Dorme got up and started head for Padme’s bedroom.

Jar Jar just nodded his head, as he read over what he and Dorme just wrote, for the speech that he will be giving in a couple of days in the Senate.

“ Hey, I just finished with Jar Jar. How are things are going, with the stuff that Senator Organa sent you?” Dorme walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. Then looked over to the bed and saw Padme sitting there, reading her data pad.

“ It is going pretty good. There are some pretty good ideas here, but the question is: will Palpatine like them? I thought I heard the Com-link go off.” Padme looked up from her data pad and looked at her friend.

“ Yes, that was Master Kenobi. He was letting me know that he just landed his speeder and will be up here shortly.” Dorme came over to the bed and sat down on the bed next to Padme.

“ Ok, then. I guess I will have to stop right here and get back to this in a hour.” Padme saved the spot that she was reading, before turning off the data pad and putting it on the night stand, next to the bed.

Padme got up and went over to the vanity table. She sat down, picked up her brush and began brushing her hair, while Dorme got her night gown and turned the cover down, so that way, Padme could get ready for bed, once she has seen Obi-Wan and talked to him, for a few minutes, before getting ready for bed.


Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker entered the building and came up to the security desk.They saw two guards sitting there, watching the monitors.

“ Master Kenobi, welcome. Senator Amidala is expecting you. If you follow me, I will take you to the private lift that will take you straight to the Senator’s apartment.” One of the guards nodded to the two men that came up to the desk.

“ Sorry, that we could not be here sooner. The Council meeting took longer than I had planned, and once we get settled upstairs, then I will be back down here and you can tell me what your plans are, in keeping the Senator safe. My Padawan will stay with the Senator, while I am down here.” Obi-Wan nodded to the two security guards.

“ Ok, that sounds great. Please come with me.” older of the two guards motioned for him to follow him to the lift.

The two Jedi followed the security guard and watched him hit the call button. The doors slid opened and Obi-Wan and Anakin stepped onto the lift.

“ I will push the code that will send you straight to the Senator’s apartment.” the man said, as he pushed the key panel above the call button and pushed the numbers of the floor that Padme’s apartment is on.

Obi-Wan just nodded to the man, just as the doors slid shut and the lift began to move upwards . He had been pondering such profound universal truths, as the subtle change of day to night. Before he left his meeting with Yoda earlier, the Grand Master gave him a warning, that he felt that there was dark forces behind these attacks. He was beginning to think that the young Senator was right about his fallen student . . . Count Dooku.

Anakin just stood there beside his Master and could not believe that he was about to see Padme again; the woman who had captured his heart and soul, when he was but nine years old and had never let it go.

“ You seem a little on edge, Anakin.” Obi-Wan noted, as the lift continued to head upwards.

“ Not at all.” Anakin unconvincing replied, as he wiped his sweaty hands down the side of his robe.

“ I have not seen you this nervous, since we fell into that nest of Gundarks.” Obi-Wan looked up at the arrows and had a small smile on his face.

“ You fell into that nightmare, Master and I rescued you, remember?” Anakin looked at his Master and saw the grin on his face.

Obi-Wan’s little distraction seemed to have the desired effect, and the pair shared a much-needed laugh. Coming out of it, Anakin did remain obviously on edge.

“ You are sweating. Just take a deep breath and relax.” Obi-Wan looked over to Anakin and gave him a smile.

“ I have not seen her in ten years.” Anakin looked at Obi-Wan and slightly smiled back at him.

“ Anakin, just relax. She is not the Queen anymore.” Obi-Wan patted Anakin on the back, as to try to calm the young man’s nervous.

The lift doors slid open and Obi-Wan started to walk off the lift and head for the double doors, at the end very short hallway.

“ That is not why I am nervous.” Anakin muttered under his breath, as he followed Obi-Wan off the lift.

Anakin came up beside Obi-Wan, just as the door slid open and a well-dressed Gungan stepped into the corridor.

“ Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa so smilen to see’en yousa! Wahoooo!” Jar Jar Binks cried out, as he realized who was standing in front of him.

Obi-Wan just smiled politely. He glanced at Anakin and he was a slightly bit of embarrassed, as he could not remember the Gungan’s name at first. Then, he quickly remembered who it was.

“ It is good to see you too, Jar Jar.” Obi-Wan patted the Gungan’s hands gently, as he tried to calm the excitable fellow.

“ And this masa guessen, issen yousa apprentice. Noooooooo! Annie? Noooooo! Little bitty Annie? Noooooooo! Yousa so biggen! Yiyiyiyi! Annie! Mesa no believen!” Jar Jar continue to hop about, for just a moment, until he finally calmed himself down. He grabbed Anakin and pulled him forcefully to arm’s length, as he began to study him from head to toe.

Anakin, like Obi-Wan, gave the Gungan an embarrassed smile.

“ Hi, Jar Jar.” Anakin managed to say, as Jar Jar kept hopping and crying out his name.

“ We have come to speak with Senator Amidala. Could you show us to her?” Obi-Wan gently, but firmly grabbed Jar Jar by the arm.

“ Shesa expecting yousa. Annie! Mesa no believen!” Jar Jar bobbed his head a bit more and then, he grabbed Anakin by the hand and pulled him along.

The apartment inside was tastefully decorated, with cushiony chairs and divan set, in a circular pattern in the center. A few, well-placed artworks, set above the walls. Dorme and Typho were in the room, standing beside the divan. Anakin did not see either of the two people, because he was focused on the third person, who just came into the room. He closed his eyes, for just a moment and inhaled deeply. He could smell her again, the scent that had been burned into him, as Padme’s.

“ Mesa here. Lookie! Lookie! Desa Jedi arriven.” Jar Jar screeched, as he introduced the two Jedi to the Senator.

“ It is a pleasure to see you again, Milady.” Obi-Wan came up to Padme and bowed his head.

Anakin came up next to Obi-Wan. The only thing he could do was keep looking at her, and he noticed that she did glace at him, once, even though it was briefly. He saw that she did not recognized him.

“ It has been far too long. Master Kenobi. I am so glad our paths have crossed again. I must warn you that I think your presence here is very unnecessary.” Padme took Obi-Wan’s hand in her own and held it briefly.

“ I am very sure that the members of the Jedi Council have their reasons.” Obi-Wan looked at the young Senator and understood why she was so upset with the Council and even the Chancellor, because she did not want all this attention put on her.

Padme wore a resigned, then an accepting expression at that answer. A look of curiosity replaced it, as she the glanced again behind the Jedi Knight, to the young Padawan, who was standing patiently behind his Master. She took a step to the side, so that way, she was directly in front of Anakin.

“ Annie?” Padme smiled and a flash in her eyes showed that she needed no answer.

Anakin looked at Padme and could tell that she was glad to see him and that her spirits had lifted some.

“ Annie, can it be? My goodness, how you have grown!” Padme looked down and followed the line of his lean body, then tilting her head back some, as to emphasize his height. Anakin realized that he now towered over her. Padme’s smile widened. She was really glad to see the one person that she has never forgotten, and the person who haunts her dreams and heart.

“ So, have you. Grown more beautiful, I mean, and much shorter, for a Senator, I mean.” Anakin awkwardly answered, as if he had to force each word from his mouth. He cleared his throat and even stood taller and teased, but tried unsuccessfully to sound in control.

Anakin looked quickly over to Obi-Wan and saw him give a disapproving scowl. It was Padme’s laugh that broke the tension, before she shook her head at the two Jedi, who were standing in front of her.

“ Oh, Annie, you will always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine,” Padme looked at Anakin, to let him know that everything was fine.

Anakin looked down, as his embarrassment was only heightened, by the looks that he knew that both Obi-Wan and Captain Typho was giving him.

“ Our presence will be invisible, Milady.” Obi-Wan assured Padme that they would do things in secret.

“ I am very grateful that you are here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit.” Captain Typho looked at Padme, giving her a warning look.

“ I do not need any more security. What I need, is answers. I want to know who is trying to kill me. I believe that there might lie an issue of utmost importance to the Senate. There is something more here . . .” Padme stopped, as she saw a frown cross Obi-Wan’s face.

“ We are here to protect you, Senator, not to start an investigation.” Obi-Wan said in a calm and deliberate tone. Even as he finished, Anakin contradicted him.

“ We will find out who is trying to kill you, Padme, I promise you.” Anakin looked at the young Senator, who was standing in front of him.

When he finished, he realized that he made an error, and one that clearly showed, with the scowl that Obi-Wan flashed his way. Now, he could only bite his lip and lower his gaze.

“ We are not going to exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner!” Obi-Wan sharply said, and Anakin was stung to be so dressed down publicly - especially in front of this particular audience.

“ I mean, in the interest of protection her, Master, of course.” Anakin tried to correct his statement.

“ We are not going through this exercise again, Anakin. You will pay attention to my lead.” Obi wan gave Anakin a stern look.

“ Why?” Anakin turned the question and the debate, trying desperately to regain some footing and credibility.

“ What?” Obi-Wan exclaimed, as he was slightly taken back, as Anakin had ever seen him. The young Padawan knew that he was pushing too far and too fast.

“ Why else do you think we were assigned to her, if not to find the killer? Protection is a job for the local security, not for the Jedi. It is overkill, Master, and so, an investigation is implied in our mandate.” Anakin asked, and trying to bring a measure of calm back to the situation.

“ We will do as the Council has instructed, and you will learn your place, young one.” Obi-Wan knew deep down, what Anakin was saying was true, but he also knew that they could not go against the Council.

“ Perhaps, with merely your presence about me, the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed. Now, if you will excuse me, I will retire.” Padme smiled alternately at Anakin and then at Obi-Wan and she saw them start to relax.

They bowed, as Padme and Dorme exited the room. Obi-Wan stared hard at his young Padawan again, neither, seeming overly pleased with the other.

“ Well, I know that I am glad to have you here. I do not know what is going on here, but the Senator cannot have too much security right now. Your friends on the Jedi Council seem to think that miners have something to do with this, but I cannot really agree with that.” Captain Typho offered, moving closer to the two Jedi.

“ What have you learned?’ Anakin looked at the Captain, as the door closed, and he saw Obi-Wan throw him a warning look.

“ We will be better prepared to protect the Senator, if we have some idea of what we are up against.” Anakin explained to his Master; logic, he knew that Obi-Wan had to accept as reasonable.

“ Not much. Senator Amidala leads the opposition, to the creation of a Republic army. She is very determined to deal with the Separatists through negotiation and not force. The attempts on her life, even though they have failed, have only strengthened the opposition, to her viewpoint in the Senate.” Typho looked at the two Jedi and told them what he knew.

“ Since the Separatists would not logically wish to see a Republic army formed. . .” Obi-Wan nodded and began to see reason.

“ We are left without a clue, and in incident, the first questioning eyes turn towards Count Dooku and the Separatists, or to some of those loyal to his movement at least. Why would they go after Senator Amidala is anyone’s guess.” Typho looked over at the Jedi Master and saw a frown cross the Jedi’s face.

“ We are not here to guess, but merely to protect.” Obi-Wan said in tones that showed that he was finished with this particular line of discussion.

Typho bowed his head, as he understood what the Jedi Master was telling him.

“ I will have an officer on every floor. I, myself will be at the command center downstairs.” Typho turned, headed out of the door and left the two Jedi standing in the middle of the living room.

Obi-Wan began to search the room and the adjoining chambers, trying to get a feel for the place. Anakin started to do likewise, but he stopped, when he walked by Jar Jar Binks.

“ Mesa bustin wit happiness seein yousa again, Annie.” Jar Jar looked down at the young Padawan.

“ She did not even recognize me. I have thought about her every day since we parted, and she has forgotten me completely.” Anakin stared at the door, through which Padme had departed. He shook his head despondently and turned to the Gungan.

“ Why yousa sayen that?” Jar Jar looked at Anakin in confusement.

“ You saw her.” was all Anakin could say.

“ Shesa happy. Happier than mesa see’en her in a longo time. These are bad times, Annie. Bombad times!” Jar Jar assured Anakin.

Anakin just shook his head, as he watched the Gungan leave the apartment. He noticed that Obi-Wan was moving towards him and he wisely held his tongue.

“ You are focusing on the negative again, be mindful of your thoughts. She was pleased to see us – leave it at that. Now, let us check the security here. We do have much to do.” Obi-Wan did look at his friend and give him a smile.

“ Yes, Master.” Was all Anakin could do, as he bowed his head.

Obi-Wan could say that, the compliant words because he had to, but he knew the young Padawan could not dismiss what was in his heart and thoughts.


“ I will see you in the morning. If you need, you just call me, and R2 is here.” Dorme looked around the room and noticed that the droid was standing close to the entrance of the room.

“ Thanks, Dorme. I will see you in the morning. Blinds close!” Padme called out and the window blinds began to close, so that the lights of the city would not come into the room, but also to make sure that the news droids were flying up to the windows, trying to get pictures of her.

Dorme walked out of the room. She saw the two Jedi walking around the room, looking at the windows and sliding door, that leads out to the landing platform.

“ You can close the blinds, like this . . . close all window blinds.” Dorme called out, just as then blinds began to move downwards and covering up the windows.

“ Thank you and good night.” Obi-Wan looked at the woman, nodded and gave her a warm smile.

“ You are welcome and I am Dorme.” Dorme held out her hand and shook Obi-Wan’s hand. Anakin just nodded. He went over to the couch and sat down, as Obi-Wan left the room and headed down to the command center. Little did they all know, that soon, everything was about to change. All their lives and those of the entire Galaxy.

(pages 62-70 from the book of Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones by R.A. Salvatore)