Chapter 14

Padme got up from her small desk, that was located in the corner of her bedroom, at her parent’s house, which is located just outside the Capital City of Theed. She has been living here with them, since her term as Queen of Naboo ended about two weeks ago. Walking down the steps, she could smell something wonderful baking in the kitchen.

“ Mmm . . . mom, that smells so great . . . Is there something that I could help you with?” Padme came into the kitchen and saw her mom seasoning the whole water fowl that they were going to have for their meal.

“ Why, thank you. Yes, you can. Could you please cut up the onions and then put them into that pan of hot oil for me?” Jobal instructed Padme.

Padme did as her mother asked as of her, just as her father came into the kitchen.

“ Now that smells so good. So, how long do I have to wait for lunch?” Ruwee asked, as Jobal put the water fowl into the pan, with the now cooked onions.

“ You have forty-five minutes until lunch. I do have something for you to do, as you wait. Take the stuff that is on the table and take it to the table outside. I think it is a very nice day. I thought it would be good idea to eat out in the garden today.” Jobal motioned for the basket that had the dishes, glasses, the cutlery and the table cloth inside it.

“ Yes, dear.” Ruwee went over to the kitchen table and picked up the basket and took it outside.

“ So, what are you putting on the cake?” Padme asked, as the buzzer on the timer went off.

“ I was thinking on the cream cheese frosting. Could you get the cake halves out of the oven and put them on the counter, so that they can cool off?” Jobal put the skewers through the corn on the cob.

“ Ok.” Padme grabbed the oven mitts, before taking the cake halves out of the oven and putting them on the counter.

“ Ok, the table is set and Sola just pulled up.” Ruwee came inside the kitchen.

“ Ok. Well, now, I just have to put this into the oven and this on the grill.” Jobal put the corn on the grill, before she put the bird into the oven, just as the front door opened up.

“ Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Paddy.” Ryoo came running into the kitchen.

“ Hey, sweetie. it is so great to see you both. Why don’t you go on out back to play? Hey, Sola. Oh good, you did bring the drinks.” Jobal hugged both little girls, before turning to her oldest daughter.

“ Ok, you girls heard Grandma. Hey, mom, dad and Padme. Yes, I did remember. Mmm . . . that smells so good.” Sola put the huge jar of juice into the refridge.

“ Why don’t you and Padme go on outside and watch the girls, while I finish up here. We have about thirty minutes before lunch.” Jobal looked at her two daughters.

“ Ok, it will give us some sister time.” Sola took Padme’s arm and led her outside into the backyard, so they could watch the two little girls. They walked outside and Padme went to the swing, that was under the tree and sat down, as Sola sat down beside her.

“ Did you finish your meeting with Queen Jamilia?” Sola asked, with a tone that told Padme that the meetings that she is referring to, were not very high on her personal wish list.

Padme looked over to her sister, then looked back to the playhouse and saw her nieces Ryoo and Pooja were in the midst of playing a wild game of tag by it.

“ It was just one meeting and the Queen had some information to pass along.” Padme explained.

“ About the Military Creation Act” Sola stated.

Padme did not even bother to confirm the obvious. The Military Creation Act was now before the Senate and the most important piece of business in many years. It was one that held implications for the Republic and even beyond those, during the dark time, when Padme had been Queen and the Trade Federation had tried to conquer Naboo.

“ The Republic is all in a tumult, but not to fear, for Senator Amidala will put it all right.” Sola said.

Padme turned to her, somewhat surprised by the level of sarcasm in Sola’s voice.

“ That is what you do, right?” Sola innocently asked.

“ It is what I try to do.” Padme said quietly.

“ It is all you try to do.” Sola looked at Padme.

“ What is that supposed to mean? I am a Senator, after all.” Padme asked, her face twisting with puzzlement.

“ A Senator after a Queen, and probably with many more offices ahead of her.” Sola looked back at the playhouse and called for Ryoo and Pooja to ease up.

“ You speak as if it is a bad thing.” Padme remarked, as she looked away from the two girls playing and looked at her sister.

“ It is a great thing, that is, if you are doing it all for the right reasons.” Sola looked at her in earnestly.

“ And what is that supposed to mean, Sola?” Padme began to feel a little anger rising up in her.

“ I think you have to convince yourself that you are indispensable to the Republic and they could not get along at all without you.” Sola shrugged, as if she was not quite sure herself, in what she was trying to say to her sister.

“ Sis!” Padme called out in shock and could not believe what her sister just said to her.

“ It is true. You give and give and give. Don’t you ever want to take, just a little?” Sola insisted.

“ Take what?” Padme’s smile showed, when Sola’s words caught her off guard.

“ Look at them. I do see the sparkle in your eyes, when you watch my children. I do know how much you love them, Padme.” Sola looked back to Pooja and Ryoo.

“ Of course, I do love them!” Padme looked back at the two little girls.

“ Wouldn’t you like to have children of your own? A family of your own?” Sola asked.

“ I . . . I’m working right now, for something that I deeply believe in … For something that is very important.” Padme sat up straight, her eyes going wide. She had started to say, but she stopped several times.

“ After this is all settled, after the Military Creation Act is far behind you, you will find something else to deeply to believe in; something else that’s really important. Something that concerns the Republic and the government more than it really concerns you.” Sola looked at her baby sister.

“ Sola, how can you say that?” Padme looked very shocked at what her sister was telling her.

Because it is true, Padme. You also know it is true too. So, when are you going to do something, just for yourself?” Sola just kept looking at her sister.

“ I am.” Padme whispered.

“ You know what I mean.” Sola took her sister’s hand and held it.

“ Is everyone to be defined by their children?” Padme gave a little laugh and shook her head, and then turned back to the two little girls.

“ Of course not. It is not that at all, or not just that. I am talking about something bigger, sis. You spend all of your time worrying about the problems of other people, of this planet’s dispute with that planet, or whether this trade guild is acting fairly towards that system. All of your energy is being thrown out there, to try to make the lives of everyone else better” Sola just kept watching her two daughters.

“ What is wrong with that?” Padme just kept looking straight at her sister’s daughters.

“ What about your life? What about Padme Amidala? Have you ever thought about what might make your life better? Most people who have been in public service as long as you have, would have retired by now. I know you get satisfaction, in helping other people. That is pretty obvious. What about something deeper for you? What about love, sis? Yes, what about having kids? Have you even thought about it? Have you even wondered what it might be like for you to settle down and concern yourself with those things that will make your own life fuller?” Sola said in all seriousness.

Padme wanted to retort that her life did not need to be any fuller, but she found herself holding back the words. Somehow, they seemed hollow to her, at the particular moment,watching her nieces romping about the backyard of the house and now jumping all about poor R2-D2, Padme’s astromech droid. For the first time in many days, Padme’s thoughts roamed free of her responsibilities. Free of the important vote she would have to last in the Senate, in less than a month. Somehow, the words Military Creation Act could not filter through the whimsical song that Ryoo and Pooja were making up about R2-D2.

“ Lunch time! Everyone get cleaned up.” Jobal yelled out, as she put the food down on the table.

Padme and Sola got up and followed the two little girls inside the house. They cleaned up, before going back outside to the garden and sitting down at the table for lunch. Six hours later, Padme climbed into bed, laid down, pulled the covers over her and closed her eyes and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

*(pages 17-20 from the novel of Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones by R. A. Salvatore)