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Lookin' Good!



Adult Adoptionz



Under Cover Kennelz


Hello! This is going to be a Petz 5 site when Petz 5 arrives to my house(Hopefully SOON). If you don't know what Petz is then go to the Petz website

As you will notice none of the linkz to the left will work at this point. I am still working on this website so it'll be up and goin' soon....I just have lot to do. I have 18 live cats right, 12 being kittens I have my hands full.

I'm boring you aren't I? Oh well.....I'll have more puppiez than kittenz unless you specifically request a kitten. Sorry, I don't do hexes but I will allow requests for two adultz bebes.

Anyways, be sure to visit back again!