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Tamagotchi Club

To get in the exclusive club

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Members only

Hello, Please support our webpage by becoming a member. To become a member a small fee needs to be payed. Then you have to have a tamagotchi connection. You must also not be an enemy of the makers of this page. Lastly you must be a kind and loving parent to your child/pet.

its costs $2.00 to be in the club.if you pay $1.00 a week you can recieve a 25% discount on our sodas that we also sell. If you buy three sodas in one day you get the fourth one for only 50 cents. People who are sellin soda are at Tularcitos and Carmel Middle School. If you would like to buy soda at tular find Colin Hardy 4th grader. If you want to buy soda at C.M.S find Trevor Johnson who is the Boss or Nigel hardy. If you want a soda selling job find Trevor

sodas are normaly $1.00

all fundraising money is put towards things for the club and to get Trevors tamagochis back to him because he lost them while riding bikes.

Members only commentsget this gear!