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Shaded Heart Dominion Publications

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This is a site where I link all my online activies together and hope that someone may take interest in either me, my community and/or my novel. Many things I hope to accomplish require time and paitience, and in this endeavor I ask that everyone be paitient with the progress.


I'm someone who gets along with anybody who doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. The hard part is what does make me uncomfortable? I don't discriminate but for the sake of classification I will.

No certain type of person makes me feel funky, I have a couple of friends that have very different atittudes and they are equally cool so I don't have any problems with them. I have like 4 "real friends" two of them are guys and the others are girls, Elysa and Elissa they are the only two girls I can actually have a conversation without becoming totally infatuated with. Probably cuz I've crushed on them and they said no but in either case they are the coolest girls ever.

Daniel and Marco... yea these guys are just about the biggest little kids you'll ever meet, while they are both very serious they just have an affinity for entertainment. They've been around with me since junior high, though I never kept in touch with them for several years I just rediscovered them we've been cool.

I guess I get along with people I have similar interests with I like poetry and rock music, I like uniformity and chaos, I am a pile of contrasts that make a very interesting person.

I can be-friend punks, goths, nerds, jocks, cheerleaders, preps, anime freaks, emo people, violent insane self-mutilatory rejects.

I am all of the above and then some so it is all in how you appeal to me if you wanna be friends then we can be friends it's that simple unless by some twist of fate you end up on my hit list, then ur fucked for life thats all I can say...


This is my novel in the making, I've always wanted to create a world out of my own head where I have the power to influence every movement every thought and every event. Essentially play god with toys I created from ink and paper.

I hope that one day I will become a published writer and that my story will become more and more of an alternate universe for more than just myself.

Characters So Far

My other sites

My Online Profile
My Teen Violence Website
