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Club Information

The Standard

Rottie Issues

Information for Members

Buying a Puppy

Show Results


Upcoming Events



Breed Survey

Section 2

Code of Ethics


The Rottweiler is above all a working dog, and as such, he must display the temperament, structure and intelligence of a working companion. The Rottweilers physical appearance, temperament and faults are as described in the Standard (i.e. the FCI Standard).


Club: the Northern Districts Rottweiler Club of NSW Inc
Control: the Royal New South Wales Canine Council Ltd
Member: financial Member of the Northern Districts Rottweiler Club of NSW Inc
HD: Hip Dysplasia

1. As a Rottweiler Owner and Member I Shall:

(a) Ensure that all dogs under my care and control are provided with adequate food, water, shelter, proper housing and receive proper Veterinary care if and when required;

(b) Provide exercise and socialization for any dog under my care;

(c) Provide a secure home for any dogs under my care and not allow dogs under my care to roam and when at large, ensure that they are kept fully leashed or under effective control at all times;

(d) Ensure that any person acquiring a dog (owned or co-owned) by myself ( or co-owner) clearly understands their responsibility for the care and welfare of the dog, and that they have the time and facilities (i.e.) adequate fences, sufficient room, etc, to perform their obligations;

(e) Provide to all purchasers of dogs sold or placed (owned or co-owned) by myself (or co-owner) written details of all dietary and immunization requirements and/or appropriate publication relating to such requirements and responsible dog ownership;

(f) Not sell directly or indirectly any dog owned (or co-owned) by myself to any commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers, or directly or indirectly allow a dog to be given as a prize or donation in a contest of any kind;

(g) Not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the Rottweiler;

(h) Not mislead any person regarding the performance of any dog. All advertising pertaining to any dog owned (or co-owned) by a Member shall be factual and not worded so as to be misleading;

(i) Ensure that when selling or transferring a dog owned (or co-owned) to another person, that documents as required by the Control will be provided to the purchaser. The member shall also ensure to supply the new owner with a current vaccination certificate signed by a Veterinary Surgeon evidencing that the dog has been immunized against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo Virus.

(j) Endeavour to train my dogs in basic obedience.

2. As a Rottweiler Breeder and Member I Shall:

(a) Breed only for the purpose of improving the standard of the Rottweiler and not for the pet market or any commercial purpose;

(b) Abide by the Club’s current HD Scheme. (* The Club may make any changes to the current HD Scheme or adopt any new HD Scheme as it sees fit) Only dogs and bitches that have been x-rayed after 12 (twelve) months of age and the scores/grades from said x-rays are in the limits of the Club’s accepted scores/grades will be considered for breeding;

(c) Not breed from any stud or bitch that has any of the disqualifying faults as per the Standard (FCI) or displays a temperament problem (i.e. viciousness, shyness or fear biting) or does not have certified eye and mouth certificates;

(d) Not breed from any stud or bitch that is not in good health. I shall not allow my stud (owned or co- owned) to service any bitch that is not in good health or displays any faults (as per above and the FCI standard) or whose x-ray scores/grades do not conform with the current HD Scheme of the Club.

(e) Not breed from any stud before the age of 18 (eighteen) months and then only if he conforms with the above. I will not breed from my stud (owned or co-owned) or allow him to service any bitch under the age of 22 (twenty two) months;

(f) Not breed from any bitch under 22 (twenty two) months of age. I shall not breed from any bitch more than twice in any successive 12 (twelve) month period. In the event a bitch is bred twice in a 12 (twelve) month period, then under no circumstances will I breed with the bitch for a period of 12 (twelve) months after the second litter;

(g) Not knowingly or otherwise allow any dogs owned (or co-owned) by me or any dogs under my care to be mated to a different breed, unregistered dog or cross bred dog;

(h) Breed discriminately and only if I have the facilities, resources and the time to care for the litter. I may humanely cull any puppies with obvious deformities;

(i) Not sell any Rottweiler puppy under the age of 8 (eight) weeks and then only if there are no contagious diseases in the Kennel and all puppies have been properly vaccinated. Keep accurate records of breeding, sales and registrations. Ensure all puppy buyers have exact vaccination records and all relevant information pertaining to feeding, training, care, etc;

(j) Guarantee any Rottweiler puppy/dog I breed (or co-breed) against any FCI disqualifying fault pertaining to conformation of the puppy/dog when sold with main registry papers. I will also guarantee all Rottweiler puppies/dogs I breed (or co-breed) against HD that is of a degree greater than the Club’s current accepted level and I shall use the club’s sales agreement as the guarantee. I may use my own guarantee but cannot offer less than that offered in the club’s sales agreement. (see Attachment “A”) (Amended 7/01)

3. As a Rottweiler Owner, Member and Breeder I:

(a) Shall make myself familiar with and at all times abide by the Club’s HD Scheme, Code of Ethics, Constitution and any other schemes the Club may adopt pertinent to protecting the Rottweiler Breed;

(b) Understand that should it be proven that I have breached any part of the Code of Ethics of the Club that I am liable to face any disciplinary action the committee and members may deem as fit.