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Main Terre

Alphen Cave


Lone Wolves

Fight Pit



.:Current Weather:.
Rainy Season
.:The Site:.
.:Midnight Realm:.
I never thought we'd end up like this...



.:. Interaction .:.


Welcome to Midnight Realm; a wolf RPG.

.:You entrad in weariness, trudging onward in hope of something; anything. The night is silent, the wind refusing even to stir the decaying leaves. Trees loom overhead ominously, shielding most of the light the moon has to offer. Your eyes still haven't adjusted to the darkness, but still you continue to weave through the darkness. Finally the wind stirs, you glance around but still see nothing around you. As your gaze returns to your path, a low growl catches you off-guard. A regal, swarthy fatale stands before you. She merely stares at you for what seems like ages; you seem to be frozen. Finally she speaks, her teeth glint as she does so.:.

Welcome, unfamiliar... I am Ebony, the Alphen of these lands. Having breached my borders... I leave you with a choice: flee or follow. Choose wisely.

.:With that, she sneers and stalks off; meshing with the mirage of darkness. A chorus of howls echo in the distance, taken as either invitation or warning. It is all up to you.:.
[please check the rules before you join.]

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Just dont steal anything, it's easy. Any questions, contact me.