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ThOuGh I knOe tHaT iT is wROnG
mY hEaRt tElLs Me I'M RiGhT
ThOuGh I'm NoT suPpoSe to lOV3 U
I hOLd oNtO u TiGhT
'CaUsE tHe f!rST tImE tHaT u ToUcHeD mE
I KnEw I wAs iN LuV
aNd thE sEcOnD w3 dePaRtEd
yOu'Re tHe OnLy OnE I CoULd tH!Nk oF
I tRy tO cOnVinCe MySelF to l3t gO
aNd tHaT I w!lL bE aBlE tO ReSiSt
bUt eAcH tImE I hEaR YoUr vOiCe
I cOuLd OnLiE dReaM oF YoUR KiSs
I FoRCe MySelF tO HoLD bAcK aT tYmEs
tO pRevEnT MiStaKes tHat I'lL rEgReT
bUt YoUr pReSeNcE cHanGe it alL
YoU maK3 mY mInD foRgEt
NoW I'M vErY mUcH cOnFuSeD
NoT kNoWinG wHicH to ChoOsE,
Do I cHoOsE wHaT th3 woRlD wiLl tHiNk
oR sHoUlD I cHoOsE tO Be wItH YoU?
I'm stilL haLfWaY beTweEn
I caN't fUlLy MaKe uP mY miNd
BuT sInCe I'M alReaDy HeRe
wHy nOt GiVe LoVe a TrY?
DeDiCateD to mY BaB3...I LuV u aLwAyZ..