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We are very sad to announce that Geordie passed away peacefully in March 2004

" Gone but never forgotten "
Bairdonside Will O The Wisp
" Geordie"
Breeder : William & Georgie Smith
This is Geordie, he is our very first bull terrier and he has been plagued with skin conditions  for years due to having Vaccine Damage since six months old.
He is still fit about himself and loves just lying in the sun with his friends.

We use homeopathic remedies on all our pups/adult dogs and it has been this that has helped Geordie to over-come some of his worst conditions.

Please check  back soon to this page as I will be adding more information about Geordies condition and also the treatment he has received
Geordie is the biggest Bull Terrier we have ever seen.
Our 4 children absolutely adore him, this is probably what has kept him going through all his bad times.

He is our "Big Gentle Giant" who we all love dearly xxxx

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