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It is a cold and rainy night. You have traveled many miles in the pouring rain. Your clothes are soaked through. The icy wind chills you to the bone. You look up at the ominous tower before, taking in the massive height and sinister feel of the place at which you have arrived. With a shaking hand you reach out to bang the large ring knocker held in the mouth of a growling stone lion. Right before your hand reaches the knocker, the door swings open on rusty, creaking hinges, of it's own accord.

Tentatively, you step inside the tower, squinting against the light from torches hung on the damp stone walls inside.

There is a woman waiting for you a few paces away. She is clad from head to toe in glossy black leather. At her left hip is an ornate sword, encrusted with sapphires and rubies. The silver and gold of the scabbard glints off the torch light as she shifts her weight, her leather, skintight outfit creaking. At her right hip, a coiled leather whip hangs on a hook from her belt, ever at the ready.

Icy, steel blue eyes appraise you coldly as you stand in the doorway, dripping water into the puddle forming at your feet. You suddenly feel very naked, as if her gaze can see beyond the flesh into your soul.

"You seek knowledge?" She asks in a flat tone, tossing her mane of dark hair over her shoulder with the flick of a hand.

You nod, unable to speak, so taken by this woman's haunting beauty.

She steps to the side, revealing a door behind her, made of thick wood. Strange symbols are carved into the door.

"The knowledge you seek is beyond this door."
