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Listing Site Updates

3/3/04 - Okies, new addition to the site. Everyone go over and wave to the lil' bloggie!! I shall call him Bloggie and he will be my bloggie. ;o) I'm going to refrain from making the cutsie baby noises. Go one now, he needs socialization!!

3/1/04 Damn, these people running this show are really going to regret bending to my will and allowing me to have this site. So...::cuts the ribbon with Sweeny Todd's scissors and smashes a bottle of Dead In Red against the computer monitor:: I christen thee.....oh damn! I forgot I had to name this thing!!!

Careful! Watch your step! You have just entered into MY realm!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Where ALL WAYS ARE MY WAYS!!!!!!! Well, not really, but I'll definately redefine dorky.........