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A site for those with therianthropic / lycanthropic interests.
July 23, 2003
Announcement: I'm looking for a pack and hope that if anyone reads this they will send me an e-mail or something... I can't find any packs that are still active... I have found a ton of abandoned home pages including Shadowwulf's den.... It seems as though none of the pages have been updated since close to the same time... I've got to go finished the rest of the site, bye!
July 20, 2003
We are now open for business! Thanks to my gracious friend I have been able to finally host this site. Here I will be posting all wolf related news I can find. Hopefully I will get some forums up. For now though, if you wish to be able to get together at some forums.... I recommend going here: (keep in mind, these forums accomadate all therianthropes, not just lycanthropes)

Hopefully I will have all of the sections up in about a week's time. If you wish to contact me, e-mail me at