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Guild Page

Welcome, to the guild page.

Welcome: Hi, visitor, welcome to the guilds page. Feel free to look around and crap, but this is a rated R guild. XD No cry babies or n00bs aloud. No little kids who can't put up with cussing. Get it? Got it? Good.

Matt: He's a lazy ass, so this will probably be here for awhile. -Ami.

Ami:Okay, since I make all the site layouts and shit, most things wont look right for awhile. I got school and crap too you know. >>; So for now, this is the lay out. Fuck off. -.-

Rini:... Uhhh, I just want to say, I am NOT a lazy ass. I'm done now. Go away. Now. Go, god dammit!

---: For now, there is no other council members, so this will be blank. o.o So, get the hell out of here.

Guild Links.

The Guild.
Ami's Personal.
Rini's Personal.
Matt's Personal.