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The Evil 5!

To those of you who are loyal viewers of this website you'll notice a draztic change! Well I've gotten lazy and just decided this website needed to be changed from the basement to the attic and that's what I did! So here we are! Click one of the evil 5 top anime guys to learn more about 'em. I'll add a quotes and sounds section soon. If anyone wants to send in fanfiction or fanart I dont' care what it's about so long as it has a title, has a rating, tells whether it's drama, hentai, action, w/ get the idea. It must have one of these 5 characters in it! Oh and as the far as fanart..I couldn't care less what it's about..just no hentai pictures...oh and i won't post hentai stories so don't even bother. Right email what ya got to me at! Title it "FanFiction" or "Fanart" thanks a bunches

Choose your Path!

Kaoru Nagisa
Xelloss Metallium
Count D
Dilandau Albatou